Natalie M.

Inequality in the Land of the Free

Problems with inequality have existed since the beginning of this country, and it is time for a change

Dear Future President,

Since I was younger, I have grown tremendously in my view of the world and country. I used to think that America was a flawless place: no inequality, no racial tensions, and no intentional harm done to people. I was naïve in this view of the country and in my view of the quality of life of people here. I love my country, but it needs some work. I thought that everyone had everything that I had, especially basic rights and fair treatment. I didn’t understand poverty, the unfairness of the judicial system, the standards of society, or the seriousness of domestic and nondomestic violence.

Every human is equal, and every human should be treated equally. All humans have their own minds, goals, accomplishments, things that make them happy, things that make them sad, and people that care about them. What makes anyone more special or more deserving of these things? Everyone should get to experience life with joy and fairness because everyone deserves the best life possible. One group of people should not have an advantage over another group of people.

A major problem that exists today in the United States is inequality. From gender inequality to racial issues, discrimination exists. Women are as strong and hardworking as men are, and should be treated as such. Inequality starts at the playground in elementary school; statements like “you throw like a girl” are degrading and oppressive. Statements like this teach girls that being a girl is bad and that boys and girls are unequal. Then, inequality moves on to the workplace when girls are older: the wage gap is a very prominent issue. In 2013, women earned only 78.3% as much as men. Some may argue that 78% is a lot, but is it 100%? This is not fair because all humans are equal, regardless of gender. Gender does not measure the value of a person. 

Racial discrimination is another problem that exists today. Money, jobs, and the judicial system are some areas that need improvement. The unemployment rate for African Americans with a four-year college degree is 8 percent, which is twice the unemployment rate for Whites with the same education. The incarceration rates for black men are very different from rates of white men; 1 in every 15 African Americans are incarcerated once in their lifetime, but only 1 in 106 white men are put in prison in their lifetime. This huge gap speaks volumes about the judicial system and racism in America. Through stereotypes and judgments of African Americans, society labels them less than Whites. This is unfair because every human is equal and every human should be treated fairly and equally, as I said before in this letter. People should be judged in the court based strictly on evidence, and they should be judged in the workplace based on work ethic and skills, not skin color.

Problems with inequality have existed since the beginning of this country. It is luck that I live in a time when women can vote; however, women are still not treated equally to men. It is luck that I do not know the struggle of African Americans from firsthand experience. It is luck that I have never encountered horrific violence in my personal life. It is also luck that I can recognize that these are real issues that America has to deal with today. Some people are not as lucky as I am which is why I write this letter. I know that we cannot fully achieve peace, but I think that these issues can be improved through this new generation and our new president. Future President, I ask you to lead this country with justice and to work towards equality so that future generations can grow up knowing a fairer country that truly is the “land of the free”.

Works Cited

Monique W. Morris. The New Press. "25 Things Everyone Needs to Know About the Lives of Black People in America." Alternet. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.

By Far the Most Common Perpetrators of Sexual Violence against Girls Are Current or Former Husbands, Partners or Boyfriends [7]. "Facts and Figures: Ending Violence against Women." UN Women. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2016. 

St. Joseph's Academy


For all the lovelies in my 2nd hour.

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