Patrick R. Kentucky


Revised healthcare system can help middle class.

Dear Future President,

Healthcare is a major concern for me and for my family.  When going to the doctor it is very expensive and people don't have the money to see a doctor when they are sick.  It seems like every time a new president is elected they want to redo our healthcare system and 4 years (or even 8 if you are lucky) doesn't seem to be enough time to start over from the beginning.  This has proven to increase our overall debt and has upset the American people.

There are many issues that you will adopt coming into office that you will not have any control over.  We can't go backwards and change things.  We can only go forward.  There are some positive points to Obamacare and I think it would only make sense to focus on those and build a new plan from there.  

My family and most of the people I know fall into the middle class.  Obamacare has most negatively effected this class.  Taxes were increased (mostly from the wealthy) to help pay however there were employer mandates made.  This was what hurt the middle class the most.  Employers just ended up cutting hours and lower wage employees found themselves not being able to afford healthcare AND their hours were cut.  It is an impossible situation.  The employer mandate should have had incentives for small businesses in order to make it affordable.

If Obamacare is responsible for providing insurance for millions of people who didn't have it before did anyone think about the fact that most of these people have never had insurance and would be a sicker community?  They would also be uneducated about the process of obtaining care, finding the right plan, and countless other things having insurance means.  This has got to add to the overall cost of healthcare.  Did someone build money into Obamacare to cover this?

Like most issues there are many opinions and things that are good and bad.  I would think it would make the most sense to take all of the good things and continue those and take all of the bad things and assign them to a team of people to look at them.  This team could present the best ideas and you could build on the good and get rid of the bad.  Please don't throw it all out and start over.  Our country (especially the middle class) can't survive that kind of action.


Patrick R. 

Louisville, KY


Pacesetters Block 2 Social Studies

Pacesetters Block 2 Social Studies

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