My letter has to do with the idea of a more popularly accurate and personal way of government, the state and local government should have a larger ...
Why standardized testing is hurting America's education
Immigration in America
Dear President, What's the real cost of having a mental illness?
There are numerous of teens that are addicted to heroin. It is taking over our country. Hurting the people in use and their families. We need help ...
A letter to the next president presenting ideas of drug abuse and its affects on our citizens, community, and country as a whole.
How to fix animal abuse for years to come.
Illegal immigration is increasing, but only because they aren't given equal treatment. With a change in how the U.S. accepts immigrants, the illega...
Our military does more than what we could ever do to protect our freedoms and liberties that we cherish. Yet, they are underpaid and put in stressf...
We need more secure borders in the United States
Airport security has changed since 9/11, but more needs to be done to ensure our safety.
College tuition is constantly increasing, and college grad will often live in massive student debt for a large part of their lives.
Fixing the world one step at a time by taking drug abuse seriously
This letter is addressing the problem that the stress of school is having many negative impacts on students.
A letter to the President discussing world hunger and the causes.
Depression is a national issue that needs more attention.
Heroin and prescription drug abuse in America is a major issue and something needs to be done.
I believe that the cost of college should be lowered or it made free due to all the lasting effects the high prices leave graduates with.
The bathroom bill’s purpose is for people to use the bathroom of the gender they were assigned at birth, even if that gender is not the gender they...
My letter is about undocumented immigrants, and how we can change the immigration system to prevent chaos in our country.
Being a topic overlooked and understated, human trafficking is a huge problem in our world today.
Obesity has become an epidemic threatening the health of millions of Americans. Our health is paramount, and it can no longer be pushed aside when ...
Honey bee endangerment
Reasons why medical marijuana should be legalized in all 50 states of the U.S.A.
Excessive homework is a serious issue in the American public school system. I wrote this letter in hopes of bringing attention to the issue at hand.
This letter is expressing my concern for the rising healthcare cost.
The amount of sexual abuse on college campuses, and in general, is overwhelmingly large and is overlooked.
College tuition prices are too high.
Abortion needs to be rethought
Drug abuse is a growing issue in America and addiction is plaguing friends, family and loved ones.
My letter explains how we, as a society, are contributing to climate change and provides solutions as to how we can reduce our carbon footprint.
Our current president allows many refugee's into our country, which has been proven to be linked to many terrorist attacks, imposing increased harm...
We need to change our sex education classes. The things that we teach the youth today in the sex education classes aren't working anymore.
Heroin Usage in Teens and Young Adults
College costs stress out families and put them in a tough financial situation.
College tuition is a huge issue in America and something needs to be done about it.
Drug use is a huge epidemic and needs to be prevented.
Although I am a few years behind the voting age, there is a problem that i see within the system that makes me, and my fellow peers, not want to vo...
we have a growing America, lets bring the new, old, similar and opposing together.
The First Amendment is not upheld fully in the American School System. This needs to be changed to make our country all it needs to be.
Illegal immigration and terrorism is affecting are country.
Sports induced concussions
Illegal Immigrants tear America's economic and social morals apart.
America's problem with gun control
Heroin is taking over America.
Long have the voices of the LGBT community been silenced in this country. This marginalized group that has just as much say as the next, in actuali...
LGBTQ+ youth are at an all time high for suicide rates due to the overwhelming stresses of being themselves.
A brief letter asking you to stop the destruction of sacred Native lands.
Middle East
How to satisfy the American public, without encroaching upon our rights to carry.
There has been a large spike in the amount of line of duty deaths across the country.
My argument against the exemptions for vaccination. The safety of children comes first to me, and think that vaccines should be required.
Upper 1% controls 39% of United States' wealth.
I believe we can bring down the unemployment rate as well as the cost of 2 year college, here's how...
The issue with drug abuse, specifically heroin, in the country will be discussed in this letter to the president.
Police Brutality has gone viral over social media and the news. This problem is happening everyday and it needs to be stopped.
Letter about immigration
Animal testing is cruel and inhumane. So why is it still done heavily in the U.S. when there are other safe methods available? Something needs to b...
How the meat industry is negatively effecting the world.
Letter discusses the issue of sexual assault on college campuses.
The high costs of college.
The discrimination of a large group of people based on their gender identity.
Police Brutality is a serious issue in the United States. Police Officers need more training and greater government control.
Statistics and reasoning for why and how mental/emotional health should be integrated into schools.
There are problems with our health care, I can only hope you can fix.
I am writing to you on behalf of the transgender individuals in your country. They are being denied their civil rights and it’s up to you to do som...
Suggestions for changing education in the United States
letter about fats, sugars, and serving sizes
How illegal immigration is hurting the United States.
Letter to the future president on the issue of terrorism
Abortion is a safe way for women to terminate a pregnancy and the government should not be able to tell women if they can or can't have an abortion.
Standardized testing in the school system
Restrictive Gun legislation is causing honest Americans to have to choose between protecting themselves, and breaking the law as crime rates increa...
A letter to the next president about the issue if immigration and illegals in the United States.
Animal testing doesn't need to keep happening on such a there scale and can be avoided through alternatives.
Cost of College expenses
Ways we can prevent divorce.
Mr. or Mrs. President, suicide and mental illness treatment is a serious issue.
We need more orphanages.
There is an enormous amount of heroin and prescription drug abuse in our country, there needs to be a change!
As our nation's leader, I’m begging you to see the value of uniform, nationwide regulations governing the abortion process in our country. I also e...