Thea P. Washington

Education for Women in Third World Countries

Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. As a result of this staggering number, we see the inequality between men and women in murders, poverty and in child rearing. What can we do to increase educational opportunities for women world wide? The answer is all up to us.

Dear Future President,

Did you know that according to the United Nations stats of 2010, two thirds of the 774 million illiterate adults world-wide are women? That’s 516 million women. (“Education”) 516 million wives, mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers just itching to pick up a book and devour it. Women just waiting to pick up a pencil and paper to write out their darkest secrets, funniest stories, most romantic encounters and wildest tales. But consider your basic privilege of reading menus, road signs and safety pamphlets. These women are at a loss for a basic right. Can you imagine how inferior they must feel? The lack of education provided for women is a problem for society because women are vital contributors to economics. Education should not be a luxury and it is extremely important. All people need education and you, a very influential leader could help create a future for the next generations.

The United States should support women in third world countries who are not being educated. Middle class people may disagree with my claim because they are already paying for many things (taxes) and may not want to pay for anything more. Older citizens may disagree and not want to fund for more education for women because they were raised in a culture where women were only needed in the household. On the other hand, educating women, “…extra year of schooling will increase a woman’s future earnings by about 15 per cent…” (“Education”) This is important because it will improve society’s costs and economy.

According to Poverty Facts and Stats, “…almost half the world – over three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.” (“Poverty”) This is important because women might have a chance at a happier and healthier life if she were educated enough to get a good job and make good money. If she were educated enough, more opportunities for jobs would open up and she would be able to raise her family in great well-being.

As stated by UNICEF, “22,000 children die each day due to poverty.” (“Poverty”) This shows that non educated mothers are likely uninformed about raising children. The data shows that there is an increased fertility rate in uneducated females. The end result of no income feeding the children is the devastating death due to starvation.

The describes, “The Convention defines discrimination against women as ‘…any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise…’” (Equality”) One of the barriers being gender stereotypes causing division in the social order and with education – women can have the same knowledge as men. Therefore, eliminating some/all factors for future sexism, racism, and discrimination for all.

I am convinced that educating women can help solve some of the world’s problems and change our systems and relationships for the better. Funding nonprofit organizations like CARE and Camfed will help bring education to girls in need. You might take a moment after reading this letter and think, how is this relevant to me and how is this a real problem for the US. But just think about your position as being president of the United States. Where would you be today without your education? You definitely wouldn’t be where you are. Education basically sets up your whole life, effecting money, food and many necessary aspects of survival. But who needs education? Everyone! From the smartest kid in math, to the kid in Africa struggling to find his next meal. Education is an absolutely vital characteristic to leading a successful life. With your help, we can change the fact that many people aren’t receiving education even by the smallest step.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely yours,

Thea P.

West Seattle High School

6th period LA9H

Hopkins Honors Introduction to Literature

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