natalie k. Michigan

Year Round School

Year round school would be so much more beneficial to schools in America. Students would become so much more smarter if they kept the school year going year round. It would also make the year go by a lot faster since the students get a ton more breaks, including a summer break. Even though summer break would be shorter, the students would at least get a month off of school to relax and enjoy summer.

 When you become president I really hope that you consider requiring year round school. Year round school would be so much more beneficial to schools in America. Students would become so much more smarter if they kept the school year going year round. It would also make the year go by a lot faster since the students get a ton more breaks, including a summer break. Even though summer break would be shorter, the students would at least get a month off of school to relax and enjoy summer.

Studies show that when students attend a school that goes year round, their education level increases extremely because it is less likely to forgot the topics they are taught. Drop out rates actually go down to only 2% because students like this plan so much more. Unlike other students that attend normal school years have an average drop out rate of 5%. For year round schools their math scores go up 10.05%, as to non year round schoolers only go up 7.32%.

All of these studies show that year round school will be way more beneficial to students across America. You should definitely consider this option to be required. Each school should be required to go to school for 45 days then you get a 15 day break. Then summer break would be approximately 2 month depending on the schools plan. I really hope you consider to put this plan in action.