Tanner D. Michigan

School Lunches

My name is Tanner D. I am currently a student at Northview High School. School lunches are a problem in many places throughout the U.S. Kids are not getting the food that they need to be at there best.

Dear Future President,

My name is Tanner D. I am currently a student at Northview High School. School lunches are a problem in many places throughout the U.S. Kids are not getting the food that they need to be at there best.

School Lunches are not providing the kids with enough nutrients and energy. Most school lunches consist of processed meat, which is not good for kids, or adults according to the USDA. According to LIVESTRONG.COM, kids who are eating processed foods are more likely to develop Chronic Health Problems. Another impact of school lunches is that mental and behavioral problems can be traced back to unhealthy nutrition and poor eating habits, according to Healthy Body, Healthy Mind.

There has been many times where I have walked into the lunchroom and smell, greasy french fries and processed hamburgers. Everyday, the lunch program has the same menu. Cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, and french fries. This is an example of bad nutrition and unhealthy food that kids are eating everyday. These types of foods are the building blocks that are making young teens obese.

Kids who eat at school were more likely to be overweight or obese.( 38.2% VS 24.7%) according to Elizabeth Jackson. This shows that the kids who are eating at school are more likely to become obese. Those who bring a lunch from home are less likely to become overweight or obese. Many kids are not aware of the effects of school lunches.

Schools who are using processed foods are more likely to have money issues. Some schools who use these products can not afford to use real meats. Processed foods are cheaper and more affordable for schools, which is why kids are not getting a good nutrition and becoming obese.

In conclusion, school lunches are affecting students in a negative way, something needs to be done! Healthier foods would be great start. The processed foods that these kids are consuming are impacting them negatively in the classroom. The kids need a change.


A Concerned Student

Sources Used:




Northview High School

3rd Hour

Mrs. Pitt's 3rd hour 9th grade English students.

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