Nuclear Bombs
Aggression combined with nuclear bombs is the ultimate recipe for disaster. The only way to prevent mankind from detonating such a deadly device is to lessen aggression and increase empathy. The outcome of this is world peace and togetherness. The permanent solution to saving planet earth is world peace and togetherness.
Dear future president
As Dexter Gordon once quoted, “ In Nuclear Warfare all men are cremated equal”. Nuclear bombs are the biggest threat to the future of mankind. Not only mankind itself but, also all life on planet earth. With tension between countries increasing around the world, the probability of all living things being destroyed also is increasing. Although temporary solutions have been put into place in the past, it's important that we as a nation find a permanent solution.
August 24th, North Korea tests and launches a missile 300 miles towards Japan. China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, India, Israel, Pakistan, and North Korea all possess these same nuclear weapons. All together these nine countries possess around 1600 nuclear bombs. All of these countries have each tested hundreds of nuclear bombs. On August 25th North Korea declared itself as the “ Front rank of military nuclear powers”. As you can see with all the world powers capable of nuclear warfare and tension rising. This is a ticking time bomb. One push of a button from a angry country will very well destroy all life on earth.
In order to create a permanent solution, we must evaluate the root of the problem. Stephen Hawking once said “ The human failing I would most like to correct is aggression. It may have had survival advantages in caveman days, to get more food, territory , or a partner with whom to reproduce, but now it threatens to destroy us all”. Also in the same speech he mentioned that such behavior paired with nuclear bombs could result in “Complete annihilation of civilization”. He also states that what the world needs more of is “ Empathy as it is both the trait which allows peace and togetherness”.
In conclusion, aggression combined with nuclear bombs is the ultimate recipe for disaster. The only way to prevent mankind from detonating such a deadly device is to lessen aggression and increase empathy. The outcome of this is world peace and togetherness. The permanent solution to saving planet earth is world peace and togetherness.