Jayme Virginia

Cutting Energy Waste

How America can work towards using more efficient energy that can help in cutting the energy waste and becoming more productive and efficient as a nation.

Dear President:

Congratulations on winning this year’s Presidential election. I wish the best for you and your work towards making our country a better place as you hold the office of President. I write this letter to bring awareness to energy waste and its dangerous factors. Energy waste is a very prominent subject of discussion in today’s society. Everyday, valuable energy is being wasted and more so than not, that energy is far from clean. This dirty energy waste is hard on the environment’s health as well as the personal health of each and every citizen of this country. There are things that can be done to stop all of this energy from being wasted, but more importantly, to make the energy cleaner. Cleaner energy can lead to more efficient manufacturing as well as have a stronger, positive impact on the economy.

Cutting energy waste is a major key in achieving deep cuts in emissions. Eric Kane, the utilities analyst at the strategy consultancy Innovest, states, “The cheapest way to cut the carbon footprint is to reduce energy demand.” Very few organizations, let alone people, have been prepared to invest in doing this (Jeffries). Dr. David Vincent, the technology director at the Carbon Trust, says, “By improving energy efficiency, you cut out energy waste, save money and help cut the carbon dioxide emissions which are a principal cause of climate change” (Thorpe). To save energy, more solar panels should be applied to large warehouses and factories. This would lead to cleaner energy being used and less waste being emitted. Being more efficient with energy would not only improve the amount of waste that is emitted, but also help with our country economically.

One of the largest challenges with acquiring and using clean, renewable energy is the ability to store electric energy and make it available as needed (“Targeting Clean Energy”). This growing movement towards renewable energy has caused several chemical process industries, also known as CPI, to rethink and reevaluate their portfolios. Traditional oil and gas companies, accompanied by some others, are including technologies that are related to renewable energy into their plans (“Targeting Clean Energy”). Aside from this, manufacturing is a large aspect of energy waste and energy that is not clean. Reducing the energy use during the processing of plastics is a good idea. Incorporating more plant based plastics into manufacturing would lead to less harmful and wasted energy. There are many different roads that large and small manufacturing companies can take to help discard the harmful wastes (Tolinski).

On a more economic viewpoint, “electronics account for one-fifth of home energy use” (Wenzel). The more your company relies on hardware, the more energy it tends to use.” This means that energy use is prominent even in a small homefront and can be harmful economically. A typical computer can use 500 kilowatt-hours of electricity or more per year. This means that a person could be paying $40 per year at a rate of eight cents per hour. If the computer is left on at night, this number is multiplied by two or three, calling for an even higher yearly price on powering a computer (Wenzel). Due to this, people are spending way too much money on energy when they could be saving it. Using more efficient energy would save our country money in the long run and make for a stronger economy.

As a whole, energy waste is a very important issue in today’s society. It causes health issues, environmental issues, and economic issues. If little changes are made in the home and production areas, they can make a big difference. Serious money can be saved by doing this and it does not require major changes. Please take into account the important issue of energy waste and consider the changes that can be made to better protect our country’s environment and health. Energy efficiency is an important and prominent calamity that needs to have change brought upon it.


Jayme R.

Jeffries, Elisabeth. "Energy efficiency, rediscovered: climate change and rising energy prices are

making efficiency look good--again." World Watch Jan.-Feb. 2009: 22+. Science In

Context. Web. 6 Oct. 2016.

"Targeting clean energy." Chemical Engineering 23 July 2016. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web.

6 Oct. 2016.

Thorpe, David. "12bn [pounds sterling] a year--what a waste: David Thorpe looks at how you

can turn on to energy efficiency and beat the grim statistics for energy waste. (Energy)."

Energy & Environmental Management May-June 2003: 15. Environmental Studies and

Policy. Web. 6 Oct. 2016.

Tolinski, Michael. "Practical energy savings: cutting energy waste and increasing efficiency don't

necessarily require major changes." Plastics Engineering Dec. 2007: 6+. Science in Context. Web. 6 Oct. 2016.

Wenzel, Elsa. "Save serious money by conducting a business energy audit: whether your

business is based at home or in a high-rise, plugging energy leaks can lower costs." PC

World Oct. 2010: 32. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 6 Oct. 2016.

Eastern View High School

AP Language & Composition

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