Elizabeth Virginia

Campus Sexual-Assault

I would like to bring up an important issue: Campus Sexaul of Assualt.(clark) Campus Sexual assault is an issue that often gets swept under the rug, it’s also colorblind and classless While victims suffer, their perpetrator often walk scott free. Others don't see the point in reporting it if hey won't be taken seriously.Its leaves them re-traumatized while the number of assaults still rise.

Dear Future President,

First, Congratulations on your presidency. Since you are now president I would like to bring up an important issue: Campus Sexaul of Assualt.(clark) Campus Sexual assault is an issue that often gets swept under the rug, it’s also colorblind and classless While victims suffer, their perpetrator often walk scott free. Others don't see the point in reporting it if hey won't be taken seriously.Its leaves them re-traumatized while the number of assaults still rise.

(David)Sexual violence is more prevalent at college compared to other to other crimes and is a growing crime.(David) Students are twice as likely to be sexually assaulted then robbed. 11.2% of all students expericence rape, or sexaul assault through physical force. That 11.2% is made up of mothers, daughters , and sisters. 11.2% is only the percentage that reports it, but there rare many more that don't.

The effects of sexual assaults are traumatic. It leaves many victims, physically, and mentally abused, and damaged (aaup) many victims require medical treatment or hospitalization to treat injuries such as pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Emotionally many students become depressed and withdrawal emotionally. Others drop-out of school, develop eating disorders, post-traumatic stress or worse, suicide. Many case’s don't have to end up that way but many do.Many victims are scared to tell anyone. (Gray) many victims are are threatened into not telling by” verbal pressure “that includes threatening to end the relationship, threatening to spread rumors about them, showing displeasure, criticizing sexuality, or getting angry. (clark) Others feel that their case will not be handled seriously by the police.There needs to be more awareness for these victims and a way to for them to share their stories, without having to be scared.

(Grinberg)Recently the case of Brock turner has proven how seriously, law enforcement doesn’t handle campus sexual assault. Turner raped an unconscious student behind a dumpster outside a party. Deputy District attorney, Alaleh Kianerci asked for 6 years, turner ended up with only 6 months with probation ( 3 months for good behavior) and county jail time because his lack of criminal history and alcohol impairing his judgement that night. The judge thought 6 years in prison would be to hard on him, but what about the unconscious girl that was raped behind a dumpster? Many other offenders like Brock Turner get off with little to know charges or time in jail.( Helber)Many victims end up getting blamed for something that's not their fault. Many find the criminal justice re- traumatizing. Even senator Kirsten Gillibrand pointed out how broken the system is. Victims don't want to share their story just to have it thrown out or right back in their face.(Helber) they can be the most willing survivor,but they’ll look at how many other cases turn out and they get discouraged. Cases like these need to be taken more seriously. There has to be way to provide justice for victims.

There have been many instances when congress has tried to fix the problem.(Morning edition 8) Congress has introduced new regulations and laws to protect victims and (All thing considered) campuses are trying to make students aware of sexaul assualt, but it is still not enough. (Grinberg) Every 109 seconds an american is sexually assaulted. Out of every 1000 rapes, 994 perpetrators will walk free. 334 out of every 1000 sexual assaults are reported to the police. These numbers continue to go up everyday. Victims needs justice and cases need to be taken more seriously. Everyday this issue gets worse and worse, but many still fail to realize that sexual assault is a big deal.

Sincerely Yours,


Aaup. "Campus Sexual Assault: Suggested Policies and Procedures." AAUP. Aaup, n.d. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.

Grinburg, Emanuella. "Brock Turner Set to Leave Jail Early." CNN. Cable News Network, 1 Sept. 2016. Web. 21 Oct. 2016.

"Administration, Congress Take Steps To Address Sexual Assaults On Campus." Morning Edition 8 Dec. 2010. Student Resources in Context. Web. 3 Oct. 2016.

Gray, Eliza. "University Survey Highlights Role of ‘Verbal Coercion’ in Sexual Assault." Time. N.p., 25 June 2015. Web. 25 June 2015.

Helber, Steve. "Senate Panel Looks At Taking Sexual Assault Investigations Off Campus." NPR. NPR, 21 Nov. 2014. Web. 03 Oct. 2016.

Cantor, David. "Campus Sexual Violence Statistics RAINN." Campus Sexual Violence Statistics RAINN. Association of American Universities (AAU), n.d. Web. 07 Oct. 2016.

Eastern View High School

AP Language & Composition

AP Language & Composition students (11th grade) from Eastern View High School in Culpeper, VA are tasked with researching platforms, crafting political cartoons or pieces of satire, and writing letters and op-eds

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