Emmy P. Wisconsin


Cyber bullying is a horrible act, that needs to be stopped, it has effect to many people at this point.

Cyber bullying is a horrible act, that needs to be stopped, it has effect to many people at this point. Also more and more acts of cyberbullying are happening because we now have it at our fingertips. Cyber bullying is a serious act and needs to be stopped immediately! Why cyber bullying needs to be stopped is because cyber bullying can cause anybody to become stressed. If people become stressed they could slow down including their school, work, relationships, etc. Also if it gets to a certain extent they could even become depressed which also could slow down there life which could again ruin some relationships. Another reason on why cyberbully should be stopped is because, if you become depressed or become stressed then it could effect your school and effect relationships with other people. But mainly with school the grades could go down if they don't tell someone what is going on, maybe it could help resolve the problem of cyberbullying. For the last reason on why cyberbullying is bad is because, it is the same as regular bullying( which is a crime). Cyber bullying can also be found more frequently because it is at our fingertips so easily now, so if you were to cyber bully someone it would just be a couple clicks of buttons and a send it everyone could see it. Also if you were the one being cyber-bullied you could find it really quickly and see if anyone replied to it. Cyber bullying is a serious act the needs to be resolved quickly. It can affect not only the person being cyber bullied but everybody and everything around it. I believe that there should be more consequences for it that there are right now because cyberbullying is a crime that needs to be stopped.

