Jeremiah S. New Jersey


Bullying is no good and should be abolished.

Jeremiah Sanchez

West Milford Twp. High School

67 Highlander Drive

West Milford, NJ 07480

November 4, 2016

Future President at the White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Washington, DC 20500

Dear Future President,

Hello my name is Jeremiah. I am Freshman at the West Milford High School. I am writing this letter concerning bullying in our society. This is a serious topic that affects our society very harshly. This issue will continue to affect and hurt people’s lives if we do not act upon this. I am hoping to get you on this to possibly change this and make the society a better living environment for everyone.

Bullying has been relevant for a very long time. It has always been a big problem but not a lot has been done about it. Laws have been put into place about bullying but they have not been a really big deal to stop them. There should be more done to regulate and even stop this. Bullying is a dangerous thing that can hurt people seriously. It makes you feel bad about yourself and can make you do things you will forget. Some causes of bullying may begin in the household. The Bullier may be neglected from their parents or guardian. It will put them down and want to bring out out on other people. It is like a chain that won’t stop. It goes from person to person. The person may also be insecure from something about themselves. Then leading them to be a bully. They might also want to fit in with the popular kids.

The effects of bullying are very severe. It makes kids feel terrible and puts them in bad moods. People that are bullied tend to keep it to themselves because they feel alone.