Immigration is a person that moves to another continent. For example kids and teenagers cross the border unaccompanied for a better life. But to get to America they have to make a dangerous journey.
Dear Next President,
I’m writing this letter because am concerned about immigration. There are about 120 children and teenagers that cross the border each day. I want you to fix this problem so that children and teenagers can come to America safely.
Many children and teenagers come to America unaccompanied by a parent. And they have to make a dangerous journey to America. The reason the journey is dangerous is they have no food and maybe some water and they could also get lost in the desert or in the ocean.
A solution to this problem that you could help with is to make a program that is fast and easy that helps kids and teenagers come to America legally. So that they do not have to make the dangerous journey to America, instead they can get on a plane to America to reunite with a family member and to escape violence.
The problem of immigration should be solved because kids and teenagers make the dangerous journey to america, risking there life for a better life. That's why you should make a program that is fast and easy that would help kids and teenagers come to America legally and safely.
Thank you for your time,
William E.C.