lili Oregon

Domestic Violence: Will We See a Change?

Domestic violence can be as deadly as a gunshot.

Dear Next President,

I think it’s time to turn our attention to something that happens every day, nearly every hour. Domestic violence. This is a serious matter in our community and our nation. Many times all the attention goes to things that are public and that everyone can see because it is on social media or the news. Often the only time we get to see a case on the news that deals with domestic violence is when things have gotten so far out of hand that the victim has been found dead. Not only does domestic violence damage the victim physically, but also emotionally and mentally. Domestic violence can damage the victim so much that some even believe suicide can be a way out of all that abuse and suffering. In one year, more than 1 million women and men are victims of domestic violence in the United States. Domestic violence usually happens between partners. It happens so often that every minute, 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner. Little by little, by turning your focus onto domestic violence you can make a change and change someone’s life for good. There are so many ways. Making people aware that it happens everywhere, campaigns, or groups that can help men and women raise their voices. Help these victims by telling them people care and that people listen, that justice will be made.


Lili L.