Capital Punishment should be legal in all fifty states for serial killers and crimes without explanation
As years go technology is continually increasing, with this being said the money spend on our military and their equipment should be increasing as ...
Keeping the Con
Is taking our guns away really the answer
Immigration is more than just an issue dealing with people; it deals with education, income, and the lives of those people around you.
We must stop texting and driving!
We need common sense gun laws and all around stricter gun laws to solve gun violence.
This letter to the president revolves around police brutality and how it effects our everyday lives. Whoever our next president is, they need to at...
The financial aspect of getting a college education can be deterring to a lot of teens aiming for higher education. This issue can be dealt with i...
For the good of the United States's future, the education system needs some change. Here are some ideas about what changes could be implemented and...
We need to lower college tuition.
By Aya Kanan
Too much debt for too many people
Dear Next President, Congratulations! You won the 2016 Presidential Election! I have extremely high hopes for our country's future and the care al...
"Every 109 seconds, and American is sexually assaulted. Every 8 minutes, that victim in a child. Meanwhile, one 6 out of 1,000 perpetrators are sen...
This letter is about immigration in the U.S
“If the bee disappeared off the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more plants, no more animals, no more man....
Since September 11th there has been an increase in airport security, but is it enough?
This is a letter about what I feel could be better within the school system
Veterans who risked their lives for our country should not be left homeless, nor should they feel unprotected.
Reuniting the United States through equality and peace.
The problems I have with Illegal Immigration.
College is a great thing, but I believe its time to lower the cost. Students need to focus on learning more. We can solve this issue with your help.
Dear Future President, I hope that your presidency has been going well so far. I’m writing you this letter to discuss some issues that I feel shou...
November 4,2016 Dear Future President, My name is Huy Phan and I am from Viet Nam. I study in ESL2 in Brighton High School. Now I live in Dorc...
Will there be a change?
My letter is about Racism and how as a country we the people need to end racism and stay united.
I am a junior at Science Leadership Academy @ Beeber. As an insider from the African American community, these are my views on police brutality. ...
Although I will not have the opportunity to participate in this year’s election, I have however followed the debates and candidates throughout the ...
While dress codes can be useful, they preserve rape culture, humiliate students, and target specific groups rather than the whole student body.
The amount of homeless people is rising and they are thought to be horrible people.
May the value of your character matter more than the color of your skin.
do something about the clowns roaming the woods at night chasing people
Our lax approach to gun control is costing us lives everyday. In the aftermath of tragedy after tragedy, people complain about how easily people ca...
Space exploration can play a big part in the U.S.
America has been getting involved in too many foreign affairs in the last decade, which is resulting in the US not being internally focused created...
It's time that women around the world are paid just as much as men.
Why must the gun right policy be looked at again? It needs to be revised because of the amount of shootings in the past 10 years.
A letter about the outbursts of racism in our law enforcement, and what we can do to stop it.
Many Muslims are struggling in this country because they are treated unfairly. People think that they are violent but really we are not. Islam is j...
Police brutality throughout the nation is a growing issue that the next President of the United States needs to confront and solve.
While Americans, under the first amendment, are protected to freely express and practice their religion, hundreds of countries are not protected by...
Immigrants should be welcomed.
We should not let people that we don't know into our country.
The White House. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Washington, DC 20500 I am a resident of Sunny Isles Beach, FL, and I am writing this letter becaus...
You are President of the United States, "Forgive and forget," no longer applies.
Our education isn't the best in the world. It affects our lives in many different ways. However, with the right idea we can make it a better opport...
Animal abuse is a big problem that you as future president should really care about
This letter is about my problems with deportation.
There should be only one race, and that's the human race.
How will you handle the national debt?
A Letter to the next president concerning the aforementioned topic
I am writing this letter to talk about the array thing that is animal cruelty.
Every One should learn Sex Ed
I believe we should have more Poke Stops and Poke Gyms. Pokemon go is a fun and very amusing game which is a great way to exercise
This is my personal story , i hope you take this seriously and try to make a change
Banning guns goes against the Second Amendment. The Constitution was formed for the purpose of protecting and freeing the American people. If we ta...
Pokemon GO is being limited to its full potential in Lake Park, Wisconsin which is unfair to the multiple users of this game.
To replace incarceration as a punitive measure for drug offenses with rehabilitation will reduce the holistic harm of the drug policy.
Although some people believe in pro-life, that's not always best for the mother and the child developing.
The refugees just want freedom,jobs, and a place to call Home.
The president should support the use of hydroelectricity in replacement of coal-burned electricity.
If a future president were to make abortion illegal than these people that could have done it are probably bringing the baby in a really tough worl...
The education budget for our future should be one of the highest priorities because we are the future.
The reasons why we are against the War in Afghanistan
If we had some way of keeping guns from people who are willing to pull the trigger on someone innocent, we could keep the people of America safe.
Everyone in our country deserves to be treated equally.
That we need to start taking a step to fix the debt. We keep falling farther into debt each day and no one wants to take a stand to take a step to...
In my letter I talked about how people think girls are just shallow people and all we care about are our looks, when most of us want to do somethin...
Abortion should be banned.
The amount of homeless veterans in the U.S. is incredibly high it has reached a total of over 45,000. The majority of homeless veterans usually hav...
Coal is a polluting form of energy, but now still millions of people use coal to make energy because it is cheap. But it makes a lot of carbon diox...
Lets get these players some $$$$
Who is to blame? The gun, or the person who wields it?
The children of our nation are confined to certain education standards based on skin tone or socioeconomic status. It is up to the next president t...
America has had problems with discrimination for a while now, especially when it comes to members of the LGBTQ+ community, or those who are lesbian...
When will the injustice end?
My letter will be about animal cruelty!
Allowing guns in schools and colleges is a serious issue, as it can be the cause of horrific things, such as deaths, injuries, accidental shootings...
Due to the lack of sex education and birth control, many teens are experiencing pregnancy and STD’s. As the new President, you should to enforce mo...
The main reasons air pollution is a dangerous threat to the well-being of our future population, are that it destroys our environment and it damage...
This is about rights and equality.
These are my thoughts on what are the most important issues to me that I hope Trump is able to fix while in office. He was in no way my preferred c...
In this persuasive paper I talk about the three things I think the president should be the most concerned with and about.
Terrorism. It can happen anywhere at anytime. Next time, it just might happen near you!
Gang Violence
People in the U.S face discrimination.
Dear Mr. President,
Year round school is a very debated topic with many pros and cons and arguments to if it is beneficial or not.
My views on the hot topic of gun control. Over 10,000 deaths of 2016 could ave been prevented.
police brutality
Do you think the second amendment is important?
Stop legalizing marijuana! Leave marijuana to the people who need it for medical purposes.
Pollution has a negative impact on people's health. We can reduce air pollution by using renewable energy sources.
Dear, President Although I am only 13 years old, I observed that racial profiling has become a great issue in our country. Yes, racial profiling ...
To fix education for the greater good of our country. Kids need better education.
Immigrants should have a chance at a free healthy life.
There are over 7 billion people on the earth, so why do so many people feel alone?
Consider the use of GMO's in the US and if they are worth our time and health.