World Hunger
We need to stop world hunger.
Dear Future President,
Imagine a world where you are starving and the only water that you can drink is from a dirty lake? Over 805 million people are going through this right now and presidents and leaders are not paying attention to it. America and the next president should help and do more for poor countries and help end world hunger.
World hunger is a gigantic problem in places such as Africa, Developing regions, and Eastern Asia. We should lower America’s military costs, and put that money toward helping feed people in these areas. For example, “About one week of US Military spending would wipe out world hunger.” Also, America spends 30 million tours for the military that we could put to better use by not trying to build the most powerful military in the world. Additionally, “The U.S. defense budget is $737 billion as of 2012”. ”That is a lot of money that we can put it throes to end world hunger”. The U.S should stop over spending the military and try to stop world hunger.
21,000 people die because of world hunger and you can help out. Our future president should make it a law to donate food to countries in need. Also, tell people, “do not waste your food, try and eat all of it or make it a left over.” You should tell your favorite restaurants to make food and donate it to the poor. Successful restaurants should be required to donate a certain amount of food each year to help out. Also, tell people to donate their time to this worthy cause. They can “work at your nearest food drive.” If they don’t have time to do that, they can just donate 15 dollars. This is all it would take to end hunger. Hope you do all you can to donate to people in need.
We also need to help other counties with their education. For example, we can help them by sending teachers or other people that are willing to help. Also, “If we provide better education, we can help them with better opportunities.” Furthermore, “we can do an education for food program where you get food free.” That is what we can do to help with countries with the help of education.
Our president is not spending enough time and money to end world hunger so please listen to these ideas and try to help. Donations and education would help children who are starving. You and America could wipe out world hunger.
From, Sam