rena Georgia

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is a big deal and it needs to stop!

Dear Future President,

The issue of sexual harassment and feminism is a big topic. This topic is very important to me. One of my close friends had gotten sexually harassed and no one did anything about it. All people were saying was that she couldn’t do anything, and that’s not fair. There should be something we can do about it because it’s wrong and unfair to the people who had that happen to them. We need to put a stop to sexual harassment!

All over Atlanta girls are getting sexually harassed and some people think it’s their fault. People say that the girls shouldn’t lead guys on or dress inappropriately, because those people think that’s why they got sexually harassed. One time I heard on a radio show that a guy once said “If a female dresses inappropriate that they’re basically wearing a huge sign on their back saying rape me now in bold letters”, and that’s not true. Girls can dress however they want to make them feel confident about themselves without wanting to attract any sexual action onto them.

Most people don’t take sexual harassment as seriously as much as they should. People sometimes say “Oh, it’s not like you got rapped or anything you’ll be fine”, but it’s scientifically proven that most girls are not the same after they have gotten sexually harassed or abused, and it is a serious issue. No girl or woman in their right state of mind would choose for that to happen to them. It’s just so unfair that most of the time girls can’t do much about it.

Some guys also think that if they sexual harass a girl as sexual harassment or rape.

Most of the time girls are too scared or uncomfortable to tell anyone what happened to them. They might be in a situation where the person who sexual harassed them said that if she tells anyone she will get hurt or she might not even tell anyone because she thinks that they might blame her, or think it’s not a big deal.

Girls get treated really unfairly sometimes, especially that it’s not a big deal. They sometimes blame the girls for that happening or say “she wanted me too”, but if they girl or whomever is getting sexually harassed wanted that to happen it wouldn’t be considered when it comes to sexual harassment. Whoever is sexually harassing someone is forcing them to do something they don’t want to do and people should have a choice to what they want to do. We need to stop sexual harassment from happening so often all over America and even all over the world. Girls should be able to feel safe and comfortable no matter what the situation is, but today that’s not the case. Girls don’t feel safe sometimes and that’s why we need to make a change.

We need to build programs for the girls who have gotten sexually harassed so that they can feel better about what had happened to them. We also need to get stronger police forces to find the people who have sexual harassed someone. We need to hire more professionally skilled people to investigate and who will take everything very seriously. With work, I think we can make a change.

