Rashad S. Mississippi

Abortions should be Illegal

Abortions should be Illegal

Dear future President,

    Many females in the United States are getting pregnant very often. And it is happening at a young age(16-18). When teens find out that they are pregnant they finally realize that they are too young to take care of a child, so that's when they either choose to have an abortion or give their newborn up for adoption. An abortion is the most popular choice that is finalized by the teen. 

    Many Americans view abortions as an easier way to get away with murder. Many people do not realize that the child does have a life it doesn't matter if the fetus is not considered as a baby yet, you're still carrying a life around in your womb.  I agree with the writers of debate.org because they say, "In my opinion, I see abortion as an act of murder to the most defenseless, an unborn baby." 

Aberdeen High School

English III Aberdeen

English III Aberdeen

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