"All animal cruelty is a concern because it is wrong to inflict suffering on any living creature." -Yakima Humane Society
Our education system needs to switch to the block schedule. It allows more time for the teachers and students. Block scheduling causes less stress ...
Discrimination is a epidemic in the Untied States and I believe education is key to ending this issue.
Pollution is something that must be fixed by you.
Why we should clean up the ocean
The standardized testing system that we currently use is flawed, and should be fixed. This paper covers the problems and solution to this issue.
The mental health funding crisis is an increasingly important issue that is vastly affecting the nation.
Children are exposed to a lot of gender stereotyped media, and it negatively influences their views on gender.
Don't let ocean pollution stop you form what you believe is beautiful:)
This is my letter on the controversial issue of abortion.
We could have less gun violence problems if...
Gun violence/control
Education throughout America needs to be changed drastically. There are many students with disadvantages in education, and they can't grow up, go t...
About LGBTQ+ rights and freedom
Middle East
Reasons the next President should end Terrorism
Minimum wage is a big and broad topic, but someone has to address it, and I believe that keeping the minimum wage the same will be the best option.
Over the last 100 years between 1906 to 2005, the Earth's average temperature has increased from 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.1 to 1.6° F) while t...
Police brutality is increasing day by day and we need to take action.
Immigrant families and the immigration reform
we need to focus more Gun Violence.
A little something something for what I believe on the topic of voting rights.
When an employer pays someone less solely because of their disability and the law condones it, it becomes an act of economic discrimination.
The soldiers need better pay an better protection and a better retirement plans
Earth is dying and it's time for the president to help save it.
This letter is with regards to a worldwide issue...Gun Violence. I will be discussing things such as, gun violence statistics, ways to prevent gun ...
School principals should have more rules enforced to stop school violence.
Keeping the internet free, one step at a time.
This is a letter to whoever becomes the President in which I discuss the issue of the cost to attend colleges and universities.
Minimum Wage is not a living wage.
Marijuana should be legalized and the money should go for rehab costs.
As many candidates have stated ISIS is a world problem with the potential to become a global movement. Unlike some candidates I think ISIS is very ...
To prevent bullying from happening, you have to teach people why bullying is not a safe thing.
A letter to the future president addressing concerns with immigration.
Unfair immigration policies and the lack of reform are causing many issues that need to be addressed.
Every year the cost of living in the United States increases every year. And Minimum wage should not be controlled by State and Local governments.
Dear Mr. President
One very controversial topic right now in our country is gun control. I personally do not think guns should be that big of an issue. There are gun ...
Letter directed to the next President of the US about lowering cost of college education.
Improve the U.S. Border Patrol, and make it a safer job.
If America is the 'home of the brave', why are so many of the brave homeless?
Immigration has been brought up many times in this year's election. What will you, as the next president, do to fix this issue?
Global warming has the potential to ruin economies and ecosystems as a whole.
The Second Amendment has been grossly misinterpreted by recent Supreme Court decisions, and the best way to fix gun control is for the president to...
This letter is about homelessness and how we can stop it.
Do women actually have the same control over their own body as men do? Just another display of sexism.
Woman are payed far less than men. People deny this fact everyday saying that "Sexism is behind us at this point". However this is not the case at ...
Gender wage gap is a major problem in our country.
Standardized testing might not be as helpful as we'd hoped it'd be, and this is why.
Our prisons are set up to help people. But, the way our prisons are set up, they don't actually help many convicts.
Examining how the media incites the racial tension.
We need to change this current system or America will become bankrupt and what kind of a future would we have then?
My letter will be about how animal cruelty is wrong and shouldn't be allowed in our country!
The gender wage gap in America should be closed.
My letter to the next president about free college education.
We need to stop gun violence because kids are dying in a young age and adults.
You need to take care of who you sell guns too.
The United States has faced much discrimination in all forms, but the one I would particularly like to talk about in this letter is one that has ju...
Climate change is a dangerous climate anomaly that the future president should fix.
Online threats encase the world-wide web like they’re viruses. They can seriously make someone suffer due to the feeling of anxiety and concern if ...
I'm a student at Aptos and currently writting this in Mr. Leeper's Ethnic Studies class. We have been talking about the election for the past week ...
Animal abuse is going on everyday without anyone noticing. The next president needs to use their power to solve this issue and save the lives of th...
In this letter I am writing about immigration. I think immigration is a big deal and we should stop illegal immigrants from entering our country wi...
People with serious diseases that cause immense pain should have access to something they know will help lessen it.
Illegal immigration is detrimental to the nations economy and causes jobs to be taken away from natural born citizens, and this problem must be add...
About how its important to lower are debt. And what could happen if we dont.
Donald Trump should rethink what he said in the past because people don't like what he said and they are mad.
My issue is straight conversion therapy.
Police are being targeted by groups of people and their families are left to suffer.
Animal testing is a serious problem that isn't really being talked about. It should be taken more serious and needs to be stopped duo to how many a...
A misunderstood topic of America
Are you a murder ? Are you killing babies if you are. I think abortion should be illegal
Higher Education and Immigration/Stereotypes
The U.S. must consider investing time into the national infrastructure for the future.
Racism is the belief that all members of each race is possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race.Racism is known the most in the U....
An essay advocating the protection of federal lands.
Soon to be adult
Gun violence is bad
The main reason for all this hate against Muslims is how the media portrays them
Social Issues and Concerns in Our Country
Females need there pay equal pay it is there rights and it is not fair to girls.
Abortion in our world today isn't taken seriously enough. It is not a birth control, and isn't morally correct. These are my views on abortion as w...
The increase of college cost is causing students to be unmotivated and causing economic problems in the United States.
Animal abuse needs to stop. Just because animals can't stand up for themselves in the way humans can, or fight for themselves the way humans can, o...
Corrupt cops are abusing their power and calling it doing their job. Well news flash, killing a man because he’s selling cd's in front of a store ...
In this letter, I inform the president about how deforestation has changed and is changing the world.
Many teens in the U.S are overdosing on drugs such as heroin.
Dear president, I would like to inform you on a problem we have in our country.
I give my opinion on Donald Trump's military propositions
Dear Next President: Women's health isn't a game. How will your presidency respond to these issues?
The U.S educational system has been having a hard time over the last few years, with unprepared students, high priced colleges, and many lousy teac...
Although building up these war torn nations may be difficult or may even seem impossible, creating a more peaceful world, where no nation feels the...
Why there needs to be a gun law in the U.S.A.
In our changing world, it is becoming mandatory to involve the younger generations in politics that were formerly reserved for the well-established.
Many students are...
Too many people are dying from gun violence. Guns should be taken away from the people.
Persuasive letter to the next President to lower college tuition
Cops need to be chosen correctly or trained properly, so they can do the job right.