Sean R. New Jersey

Immigration issues

Hello future president, my name is Sean Rodriguez. I am from West Milford, New Jersey, and I attend West Milford High School. I would like to speak to you about the current immigrant issues. One such issues would be the growing numbers of immigrants entering our country each year.

Hello future president, my name is Sean Rodriguez. I am from West Milford, New Jersey, and I attend West Milford High School. I would like to speak to you about the current immigrant issues. One such issues would be the growing numbers of immigrants entering our country each year.

The growing rate of immigrants who are trying to escape their country because of disease, famine, or war is going up. More and more immigrants enter our country everyday and there are so many of them entering at a time. Many of these immigrants are entering this country illegally and some are committing crimes and nothing is happening to them. Our previous president hasn’t done much of anything with this growing issue, and it is hurting our nation.

In our country, there are over 12 million illegal immigrants stealing our jobs, and selling drugs to our youth. Once they are in our country, they then have children, who when born in our country are automatically given the right of citizen. When and if the parents get deported, the child stays in the country, and gets sent to a foster home. When this happens, this families is separated and this needs to change.

With this as an issue, we now have these children who we now have to take care of and with the growing number of illegals entering our country we will have to do this a lot more often. They are also taking our jobs, and not paying their taxes leaving us hardworking citizens to pay more of our taxes. Many americans can't afford to pay these taxes and are sent into poverty.

Many people don't think about illegal immigration as a big deal, and that it is a matter that we should just shove under the rug and forget about. This has gotten to the point where we need to deal with this problem. We need full background checks on all immigrants and we need to tighten security on our borders. By doing this we can halt these thieves from corrupting our communities. This is a growing crises that needs to be stopped.

What I hope that you will do as Presidents of one of the greatest countries in the world is that you will fix our immigration problems and make America great again. I hope that you will do what is best for us by cleaning our country of the illegals, and welcome in the non-illegals to our country.


Sean Rodriguez