Tristan G. Missouri


Immigration can be good to the United States.

  Dear Future President,

          Immigration can be good for the United States of America. "Minnesota is home to 33,000 Somali immigrants" says The Atlantic: America's Immigration Challenge, but they are not hurting anyone because they want to stay here. We can stop people from being terrorists and prevent them from being in isis, we wouldn't have so many deaths in the U.S from bombing and shootings.

          There are a lot of Somali people that live in Canada and they are either part of Isis or they are refugees running from Isis. Some of the Somali and other immigrants that we let into the U.S, try to bomb or kill us because that is their religion. The way to prevent this from happening in the future is to stop letting immigrants into our country. If we can stop this problem (Isis), this problem could easily be solved. Plus, once people see that we have the strength and power to stop Isis, they would stop trying to harm us.

            Immigrants from Somali, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia are part of Isis and they are trying to hurt us and our country by having these tragic deaths. Some of the civilized immigrants are turning into refugees. A refugee is "pushed" from their homeland, and an immigrant is pulled into a new country. Then the other is pushed to the refugee and the country is hurt or suffers. We could stop people from being pushed out of the country and letting dangerous immigrants into our country. Its just a way to so we just need to stop letting immigrants into our country. I think we just need to stop letting Immigrants into our country and this problem will be fixed sooner than later.

