Samantha H. Oklahoma

High Cost Of College Education

College students that graduated from college years ago are still paying for their college debt that should have been paid years ago. But, isn't college supposed to help you move forward in life and not behind?

Dear Next President,

     The article "High Cost Of College Education" explains that people that graduated from college years ago are still paying for their college debt that should have been paid years ago. But, isn't college supposed to help you move forward in life and not behind? An author name Nicholas Blade said about the high cost of college education,"They just want extra money from students so they can buy stuff that they don't even need. That's why these college students are so in debt right now. This is ridiculous." Something has got to change and it's got to change now.

     The colleges and universities are helping the students with their education, but they're also hurting them with the high price of the college education. Students are dropping out because they can no longer afford it. Seriously, students are getting into trouble, maybe going to jail, and possibly dying. The Federal Government needs to do something about this now because people that can't afford to go to a college; they have to go to a community college just to try to get somewhere and, to be honest, community college is not enough sometimes.

     People have plans to go to college, but the price is so high that they can't go. One day, I met a girl who was wanting to go to college so badly that she could already see it in the beginning of her senior year. When she graduated there was an issue, her and her family couldn't afford to send her to college. She was really upset, as she was really looking forward to going to college and taking her education further. The high cost of education was the issue. Things are starting to get out of control. Education prices are getting higher, and higher, and higher, and higher. If they want kids to go to college, they need to lower the price to an affordable level.

     Why do they do this to college kids? Why do they have to take all their money from them? It's not fair to the students, they have better things to do than just spend their money on the college debt that they owe. They have families to take care of, bills to pay, and a life to live. They don't have time to be focusing on their college debt. The Federal Government needs to get their life under control fast and now, because sooner or later, some of the colleges might shut down because students can no longer afford it.  It's not fair, because some of the students have personal problems that they need to take care of, not spending a whole lot money on their college education.

    College is supposed to help you take your education further in life, so you can be whatever you want to be in life. College is supposed to help you in life, show you the right way and path in life. College is not supposed to hold you against all the college debt you have to pay. It's like everybody says "everybody has a right to a education." But that doesn't mean everybody should use all their savings and their expenses to pay for their college debt. Things have to change. Now is the time for things to get better with college prices. It's either now or never. Time to let the students who want their education to get their education. 




East Central High School - Tulsa

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