Benefits of legalizing marijuana
Sex education should be taken seriously and more people should be educated so we inmprove this problem in America!
I think that sexually abused children do not get the justice they deserve, and there should be tougher sentences given to sexual predators.
Many people have died from police brutality. It's time we take a stand and fight for what we think is right. ...
There is a need to change life for many and stop the violence.
Bee populations are declining, but we need them as they play a vital role in our lives.
In this letter I am talking about the benefits of legalizing marijuana for medical treatment, and also stories of patients that have had experienc...
Immigration is a big deal that most people shake off, and others just plain out ignore. The truth is that we should be more considerate about this...
Restricting abortions would only make sense in a perfect universe, where every child gets their share of necessities and emotional support. We know...
In this letter I would like to talk about the very relevant topic of Black Lives Matter, and how it is important for people of color to be treated ...
Global warming is causing things to change and if we don't do something about it there may not be a future.
People don't feel safe because so many people carry around guns like it is a necessity.
The broken gun control system is becoming a bigger issue each day as we try to move forward.
A letter to the future president addressing concerns with immigration.
Gun violence in America is increasing every day, and it is time to put a stop to it by creating and enforcing stronger gun restrictions. This is no...
Police brutality is an ongoing problem, when it shouldn't be something we should have issues with.
Police brutality and gun control are two things that should be controlled. We are in 2016, and these are both still major issues that should be set...
The number one reason high school graduates do not bother to think about the idea of going to college is the fact that the costs of college are too...
Immigrants should be legalized and have equal rights as U.S. citizens.
Immigration reform would do this country good and give many deserving immigrants a chance
Teens and kids are being bullied in social media and school.
I am going to talk about racial profiling. There are a lot of cases where police shoot and abuse people because of their skin color. I think body c...
Everyone needs to know both sides of every story.
College tuition has been getting out of control. Some students don't even go to college because the tuition is too high. College tuition keeps risi...
The Hispanic community is in need of help to increase graduates not only in high school but in colleges too. Hispanics are one of the fastest growi...
In this letter I am going to talk about assisted suicide and how it should be legal for everyone, not just for sick people.
Ways to help stop police brutality and its effects.
Even in this day and age there are still a lot of negative feelings towards being LGBT. A bill prohibiting discrimination against citizens who are ...
Pollution is a greater problem than some people may think it is. It makes this planet more and more dangerous everyday, and causes many problems fo...
Immigration is more than just an issue dealing with people; it deals with education, income, and the lives of those people around you.
Police Brutality has risen in the past decade; whats going on?
My letter is about drug incarceration in America, showing how one choice can affect many other areas of our lives.
Families are coming to the United States for a better life. Some families are still not able to find a really good job here because they are not U....
I think that the gun control debate is nonsense. and that the answer is clear: banning or restricting guns does not help the situation in America.
College students that graduated from college years ago are still paying for their college debt that should have been paid years ago. But, isn't col...
This is my opinion on school testing and why I do not think it is beneficial to the students of our schools.
Should bullying be stopped? In my opinion it should be stopped. Bullying is a major part of society and causes lots of damage to others.
Bullying is one the major thing that teens confront. Bullying can cause lead to depression, anxiety, and many more negative things.
My letter is about how writing tickets to people with "loud" cars/bikes is wrong.
Immigrants should have the right to be legalized
I am going to talk about abortion. I believe that abortion is not a good idea.
Many people may need health care or medical care because maybe some people can't afford the full price of the bill. Also what if a family is poor o...
Abortion is a fundamental right that we should have as human beings.
Teenage pregnancy is an issue that needs more attention!
Why abortion should be a choice
There is not enough being done about mental illness. As strong a country as we are, we should have more supports for those living with mental illne...
Most immigrants want to pursue higher education but can't because they are affected by various factors
College costs are too expensive.
Religion is a part of life; it's everywhere you go, whether you acknowledge it or not. It deserves a chance in public schools.
The environment has a huge impact in our everyday lives. It needs to be cared for.
The lives of the people in Central America are getting worse everyday, and because of that they migrate here to live a better life, but the U.S gov...
Immigration is a big problem in the world. Everyone has their own opinion if Mexicans should be here in the US or not. They some say that we are ba...
A brief but eye opening review on the nutrition offered in American school lunch programs today. Maybe the lunch you thought students were receivin...
All lives matter to me.
Women have many pressures from society as it is, and abortions just add to it. So many people are telling us that it's murder and that it's not our...
College cost is too high and is causing too many people to be in debt.
Police brutality is becoming a recurring problem in the United States.
There are countless matters that need to be dealt with in the United States, one of them being sexism.