A college degree is a necessity to survive in today's world, but why does it cost so much to receive one?
What is a common theme you see among what parents, coaches, teachers, and other adults who care about you? Easy, they all want to see you succeed. ...
College Tuition should be higher on the President's agenda and needs to be lowered if the President would like to see the youth of our nation succe...
Regarding my support for the Pace Promise nationwide for students.
The price college tuition is rising and it is becoming increasingly hard for students to handle.
The price of college is too expensive.
My letter is about the facts of the gender pay gap and the cost of college.
Funding for Public Education
My letter is about student loans, the cost of college, and why something needs to be done to reduce this expense.
Why students higher education so dependent on cost
All of the states in the U.S., expect for 12, make illegal immigrants pay out-of-state tuition in their own resented state. Illegal or not, they sh...
Once upon a time on the land that we live on now, people dreamed through their high school years about going to college and being able to pay it ...
Help students get into college
It's a letter. But not just any ordinary letter. It's a letter to the president.
Families are struggling more and more each year to pay for college, and the raising of college tuition is a huge problem that needs to be fixed.
I am informing the president that the majority of students want to go to college. But the price for college if very high leaving them to question ...
Why do I work so hard to pay for college, when all of my hard work will barely pay for a year of college?
College needs to be cheaper for people to attend to. I believe that the next president can do something about this.
College athletes should not be paid.
The college fees has increased notably; Its time to put a stop and help families and the minority get a better future.
Community colleges should be free.
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President, I would like to bring to your attention the incredibly high university tuition rate.
What I want to say to the future president
College is essential for anyone who wants to get and maintain a job... or at least a good job. However, college isn't affordable for everyone who w...
Due to an increase in college tuition prices, it has become increasingly difficult for high school students to attend college although a higher lev...
College debt, financial aid for the middle class
A letter to the president to solve the problems that come with the high costs of college
Lowering college tuition
Many people today are not able to attend college because they are not able to afford it. With education being such an important thing in our societ...
The overwhelming emphasis on college has become a large aspect of our modern day society. The ever climbing prices of college tuition is affecting ...
Many students can not afford to pursue higher educations because of raised college tuition.
Concerns for our future
Why is college so expensive?
Students pay too much for college. Education should be accessible to everyone.
I can't afford college.
Our Education Depends On It, You Can Change It.
We need to limit how much college is.
College is expensive for the average family.
The financial aspect of getting a college education can be deterring to a lot of teens aiming for higher education. This issue can be dealt with i...
College expenses are rapidly increasing becoming more difficult for families to send their kids to college, this is why I think college expenses sh...
College tuition has been getting out of control. Some students don't even go to college because the tuition is too high. College tuition keeps risi...
College cost is too high and is causing too many people to be in debt.
We should make college more affordable so that we can increase the number of skilled workers in our country.
The price of college is rising to fast and government is still making budget cuts. And many students that want to go cant afford it without scholar...
My letter is to help lower college pay.
In this letter, I will be highlighting my concerns about the higher cost of education and why there should be a change in this issue so all humans ...
There are people across the world who can't afford the education they need. But what if everyone can have that chance? Everyone deserves to learn i...
College tuition has been continuously rising over the years. The cost of college is causing many people to have a great amount of debt after colleg...
College tuition
The cost of college is too high and we need to lower it.
The current costs for colleges around the nation are too high.
Even though a college education is important, the expenses for going to college is egregious in the United States. Many students are required to ob...
College is far too expensive, and I write to show how this is a problem.
A college education is cost too much for middle class and lower class families to afford
A dive into why free public college for everyone would be an economic disaster.
There are many people in today's society who are being held back by money issues, and college tuition is a huge factor in someone's life.
Over time, the cost of college tuition has dramatically increased and is becoming a major worry for our future generations.
Reducing College Tuition Prices
My concern on Health Care and College Education prices.
The cost of college is rising and colleges and states aren't doing much about it. The trillion dollar student debt is growing fast.
Schools around the country are increasing their tuition, making it harder for students of all classes to get an education.
Colleges do not provide enough help financially for middle-class citizens.
College tuition in America needs is way too expensive. As next president of the United States of America, I hope you can understand how Americans f...
College education VS. Student loans.
The cost of tuition is limiting people to go to college.
Free college will not provide the benefits needed to make the investment worthwhile.
College Tuition is too high and prevents high school students from being successful in life and becoming important people.
College tuition is a big issue today. It is too high, and financially can really hurt some families. The future president needs to be aware of this...
The price for college is too high.
Dear Next President: As college education costs skyrocket, student loans are at an all time high. Need data? This infographic provides examples of ...
Money is a gatekeeper of opportunity and that’s why it is crucial to invest money towards people. It is time for every American to earn a living wa...
This video is about college tuition. The next president should address this issue.
Why is college tution so costly?
Proposing the idea of a class for high school students that will help reduce College debt.
College tuition is getting in the way of other students achieving their education and life goals. I believe that the government can help make a bet...
How free schooling won't work for the US.
The exorbitant cost of a college education is not something that we can keep living with.
The price increase of college tuition is getting out of hand and the consequences are fallacious.
Colleges in this country are too expensive for most of those applying. Providing more financial aid options across the United States, as well as s...
Some people have so much debt from college that they can’t even afford a house even with a high paying job. We will tell you what tuition is, why t...
Struggles of a disabled single parent and their child when said child leaves for college.
Student debt is too high
Student debt has been on the rise for year now.
Too much debt for too many people
Increasing college tuition is preventing students from getting higher levels of education.
College cost needs to go down now otherwise how can we future adults make a good living?
Colleges are charging too much for students to attend. It is to high for a lot of students and loans lead to debt.
I belive the next president needs to address the cost of public universities.
education and why we have to pay to learn
Tuition and other education fees on the rise cause problems for many students.
Josh Brockett wants to be free to achieve his goals without the financial burden of student debt.
Getting more kids into college will educate our country and make America more successful and generally happy.
College tuition has always been a constant struggle for our generation. We need to make the price realistically affordable.
Free College
The cost of college tuition needs to be lowered for students to be able to afford going to school.
The issue on college prices needs to be resolved because of rising student loan debt, the future generations success with their careers, and the li...
Many students are struggling to pay for college due to the increasing costs over the years. There are many easy methods we can use to help students...
The cost of higher education is a burden for many people in the United States, and should be changed in order to allow people to explore better opp...
Sure college tuition debt is an issue, but can tuition really be "free" without causing even more problems?