Deja P. Alabama

College tuition

Free college would give opportunity to more people

Dear Mr./Mrs President,

I am a resident of Oxford, Alabama and I am writing because I believe college tuition should be free of cost. 150 years ago, Americans said low income kids deserve to get a free education. That free education was from 1st to 12th grade. The free education that we have now from 1st to 12th grade is a privilege that I will never complain because some countries don’t have that, but now in this time it is not enough because a college degree today is equivalent to what a high school degree was 60 years ago. Because of this, college should be tuition free.

 I am a high school student with goals of attending college and acquiring a career, but sadly I can’t afford the tuition for colleges that I would love to attend unlike some of my peers that come from a wealthy household. You might be thinking , but how could we be able to make college tuition free? Luckily, Senator Bernie Sanders answered it already when he stated that by taxing Wall Street or by paying 70 billion dollars it would be possible to make public colleges and universities tuition free.

 To cut to the chase, what I want and what most students that are in the same financial situation as I want is free college tuition. If it's achieved you would be helping thousands of middle and low class bright minded students in acquiring a good career. This action would create chances for all students  - not just the rich and powerful, and it would affect the future of the U.S for the better and all for the small almost insignificant amount of this country’s GDP.

