Garrett H. Alabama

Crime Rate and Death Penalty Issues

The lack of the death penalty and increasing crime rate are issues that need attention. Crime rates in the last ten years have decreased, but not enough.

Dear Future President,

     There are several problems in the United States that need to be addressed soon. The lack of the death penalty and increasing crime rate are issues that need attention. Crime rates in the last ten years have decreased 14.5 percent according to the FBI; however, this is not enough.

     Some studies show that the death penalty does not help reduce crime rate. When the death penalty is used effectively, it can help reduce the amount of violent crimes. This could serve as a more effective deterrent to violent crimes. The taxpayers of the United States pay approximately 1.26 million dollars to house an inmate on death row (!

     Many of the states still use the death penalty. Thirty-One states still used the death penalty, while 19 of the states do not. The murder rate in states with the death penalty is consistently lower than those without the death penalty (death penalty information center).

     Increases in the rate of the death penalty will decrease the rate of violent crime which will also help provide a safer country to live in for everyone; Let's make America great again by reducing crime rate. If the government would pass a law that allowed the maximum time for an execution to a year, and executions could be sentenced to repeat offenders of rape and kidnap, we would spend much less money on housing for prisoners and make the country great again.


Garrett H

Oxford High School

4th Period

11th grade Honors English

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