College Costs
More should be done to make tuition affordable.
Dear Sir or Madam President,
In the past decade, college tuition has risen three times as fast as the consumer price index and twice as fast as medical care. Forty percent of low-income students who get accepted to college are not able to go because of high tuition costs. I believe this is unfair to those who are highly intelligent and could be very successful in getting a degree, but they just don’t have the money to get themselves there.
High tuition costs have caused student debt to reach epidemic proportions. The tab is at 1.2 trillion and growing. When students become in debt they can spend much of their lives trying to pay it off, which can cause very high levels of stress. Being in debt also delays young men and women from home buying and getting a job that truly aligns with their passion.
I think more needs to be done about high tuition costs for low-income families. Even average income families have trouble paying tuition. I strongly believe everyone deserves a chance to get an education if they are willing to put in the work to become successful.
Thank you for taking time to read this letter. I look forward to what you decide regarding this topic in the future.