Equal Pay between Men and Women
The pay gap between men and women has decreased; however, this may not be enough. Both men and women deserve equal pay!
Dear Future President,
The pay gap between men and women is shrinking; however, there should be no pay gap between both men and women doing the same job.
One reason that there should be no pay gap is that men and women that are in the same position or doing the same jobs get different salaries. Women get 84% of what men get hourly! This means that women would have to work 40 extra days to get the same yearly salary as a man.
Another reason that men and women should get equal pay is experiments show that women actually work harder and longer than men. When being put through an experiment, men and women worked the same job, and cameras were watching to see who would quit first. In the end, more men quit than women. Men shouldn't get more money.
A personal reason I think that pay should be equal is that I don't want to walk into a job and get less money than a man doing the same job as me. Doing a Tedx event, I learned a lot about this topic and how it affects a lot of families. Many people assume that a women is going to take more shortened hours, days off, sick days, etc. to help out her family. This may be true, but everybody takes days off.
The current pay gap is exactly 16 cents, but I soon hope that number will become 0, do you?
A future voter