Chelsea Lyn Wiley Michigan

Animal Abuse

We need to put a stop to animal abuse. :)

Dear Future President of the United States,

We need to put a stop to animals abuse. There needs to be more laws to protect them.

The problem is that 70.1% of dogs & 20.9% of cats & 24.1 of other animals are being abused and 2.7 million are killed every year from abuse according to pet statistics ASPCA. The cause of this is that people in our country don't care about animals. The effects of animals being abused is that animals are getting hurt severely or are being killed. About 1 million animals per year are abused because of domestic violence that occurs in the home where they live and 71% of pet-owning women entering women’s shelters reported that their batterer had injured, maimed, killed or threatened family pets for revenge according to 23 Fascinating Dog Abuse Facts and Statistics.On average every 30 seconds someone in England and Wales dials 0300 1234 999 - the RSPCA's 24-hour cruelty line - for help. In 2015 we received 1,118,495 phone calls.We have approximately 340 RSPCA inspectors, 50 animal welfare officers (AWOs) and 88 animal collection officers (ACOs) working to prevent cruelty and promote kindness to animals in England and Wales according to RSPCA .

People think that animals are there for them to do whatever they want to do with them, but they're not they are living things we can't abuse them.

Solutions can be made if there were stricter law to protect animals.

We need to put a stop to animals abuse. There needs to be more laws to protect them.