Treatable Ailments
People in rural and impecunious areas don’t have as much access to medicine thus leading to more deaths in the world that could have been prevented. Specifically in places like Africa and India, children die from treatable illnesses, such as pneumonia. This is an illness that has an 80% cure rate for countries that can afford the medicine. This is just one example of all the lives lost from lack of medical care.
Dear Future President,
I have written this letter to you to discuss a very important issue that affects millions of lives daily. In many countries around the world there are places that are very unfortunate and struggle through things that most people in this country wouldn’t dream of. One of those things being the lack of healthcare and medicine in impecunious areas. In most all of America we have the opportunity to receive basic medicines and the necessary healthcare we need. There are many government programs that are more than willing to help donate to people who are struggling to support themselves and their families. But in places like Africa and the Philippines they can’t even imagine getting the opportunity to walk into a hospital or take a dose of medicine to help calm their fever. Many mothers worldwide go to sleep at night in fear that their son or daughter will die the next day from something as small as dysentery.With that being said America needs to help people in rural and impecunious areas that don’t have enough access to medical care, which leads to many deaths from treatable ailments. America is very lucky to have a government and leaders like yourself who are willing to not only help our country, but take in consideration the countries around us who are in dire need of help. According to NBC, worldwide 200 million children under the age of five do not have basic medical care. Overall 10 million of these children die every year. Some of these deaths are caused by small illness that could easily be cured, such as dysentery and pneumonia. Although 10 million children die a year from an illness like pneumonia, it has an 80% cure rate. If there is an 80% cure rate, why are so many people dying? If these people had an accessible health care plan or an easier way of reaching the hospital there wouldn’t be so many deaths. It is more than likely that four out of five mothers wouldn’t have to see their child die in their lifetime from something as small as a cough. The people in these rural and poverty-stricken areas need help from a stable country like America because they cannot help themselves. To narrow it down, people in places such as Latin America and the Caribbean cannot even reach the hospital because they do not have enough money to pay for the transportation. Even if some of these families can make it to the hospital they either spend their life savings on the cost of the hospital bill or can’t even pay it at all. The countries suffering the most from lack of medicine is India and Africa. In the World Health Organization Resource, it claims that places like Africa and India are placed on the low income list of countries. This typically means that these countries only have enough money to get the essentials, which aren’t always enough.This resource also stated that out of the estimated 1.3 billion people in a low-income countries, less than 20% get the right amount of medical access to suppress their needs. This is an issue because there are many deaths that could have been prevented. The children who were born in these third world countries do not have any choice, but to live with it. They have to suffer from the lack of medicine. While many children in better situated countries don’t have to think twice if they are going to die from a horrid cough because they have simple medicines to help them get better. If these better situated countries including America came together and helped these poverty stricken areas we could save many lives. Some things we could do is take volunteers from hospitals and send them to places like Africa and India to cure these sick patients. Knowledge also goes a long way in saving a life. If there is some way that a doctor or educated pharmacist could communicate and meet with these poor countries, they could gain some knowledge on what medicines to buy and how to conduct a surgery the right way. Since our country is in a well enough position to help these poor countries, why not do it? Why not give another child a chance to live from simple medicines and surgeries? Overall, it feels like if we don’t help these people we’re simply watching helpless children and families die before they even got a chance to live.