Tommy N. California

American Education System: Tax on Knowledge

The American education system is set up in a way that not only taxes individuals in terms of time, stress, and social ability, but in adulthood, also saddles students with high debt.

Dear Future President,

America's future is dependent on new innovations and people who can think outside of the box: that's what students are.  As students grow  from their experiences and imaginations and start to think beyond what they believed was possible, during times such as high school and college, one may seem to realize that students are being taught simple things in the classroom in terms of social and life skills, which are following directions and the basics of communication.  They are not learning the important skills adults use every day in their lives that are vital to surviving in the American world.

High School students are met with unrealistic expectations of what it takes to go to college. Each student is met with different types of work and obstacles every day, which breaks down students over time.  Although we are told regularly that our actions and behavior towards our education will affect our college and future, one must look towards the actual college student to get actual facts.  With students being fed with false information, along with the workload, the average student is immensely pressured by the school system and beliefs that schools and parents tend to shove onto the students.

After a student finally reaches independence and moves onto college, they are more or less walking down a dark hallway.  There are so much more responsibilities that they aren't used to, so much more possibilities to explore without really knowing what or why, and generally a sense of feeling lost.  After that comes the money aspect of college, where everything from books to classes to one's tuition is expected to be paid by the confused student.  In 2015, 7 out of 10 college seniors had student loan debt to cover for these costs, which ranged from $30,000 upwards to more than $100,000.

The American education system is flawed in that it doesn't teach students the life skills they need such as planning, organizing, networking, accounting, managing money, and much more varieties of things that every adult must know how to do in order to thrive in this capitalistic, American society.  Although students show great potential in terms of what they are able to comprehend and learn, if not those concepts are not utilized in a particular field or industry, then they are essentially useless to the common man.

With anticipation, 
Tommy N.