Teen Pregnancy
Due to the lack of sex education and birth control, many teens are experiencing pregnancy and STD’s. As the new President, you should to enforce more sex education and birth control for teens.
Dear Future President,
Due to the lack of sex education and birth control, many teens are experiencing pregnancy and STD’s. As the new President, you should to enforce more sex ed and birth control for teens. Although, the number of teen pregnancies have dropped it is still a huge issue.
Teen pregnancy is taking a toll on the number of females in employment. The fact is most teens who have children drop out of High School cannot support themselves or their child. So many of our tax dollars go to those single mothers who need the government's assistance. If less teens get pregnant then there will more females in the workplace and we could use our tax dollars for something else such as poverty.
The populations who are most at risk for teen pregnancy are African Americans and Hispanics. Statistics say the, “African Americans and Hispanics accounted for 60% of child births in 2013.” As an African American I am told by society that I am more likely to get pregnant than my white counterparts.This number should be lower and with the help of more sex ed and birth control, it will be. Also people with socioeconomic disadvantages, such as having less money than others or being from a broken home, tend to have a higher pregnancy rate. Most of the time the teens are following their parents path and making the same mistake of having sex as a teen.
Some teens have bad influences at home and this is why parents should talk to their teens about abstinence and birth control. If the parents do not talk to their teen the teen is more likely to find out the hard way, which most times ends in teen pregnancy and STD’s. More and more parents are not caring anymore and teens are being influenced by music talking about having sex and getting money.
In conclusion, you should start enforcing more sex ed for teens. This is a big issue for our next generation, and it needs to get taken care of. Please help us thrive.