Kaitlyn Connecticut

Gang Violence

What both male and female teens don’t seem to notice is how life threatening the gang culture can be as their need for attention and acceptance dominates their judgement.

Dear Future President,

My name is Kaitlyn . My concern is that gang violence is taking over our streets. Teens nowadays think it’s “cool” to join gangs. Gang violence has greatly increased over time. In the article “Teen Gangstas” from Psychology Today the author was explaining that in the 1970’s less than half of our states had gang violence. Since then gang violence has reached every state in the US.

The growth of gangs has been formed by mostly teens who join between the ages of 15 through 18 although some as young as 10 are drawn into the gang community. Not being aware of the harmful actions taking place in gangs, teens looking for the family atmosphere are easily drawn in hoping to find a family like environment. My research has shown that the majority of the gangs consist of males due to their masculine necessity to prove to their peers their self worth in our society. However girls have become increasingly involved in the gang lifestyle.

What both male and female teens don’t seem to notice is how life threatening the gang culture can be as their need for attention and acceptance dominates their judgement. Since this is a natural basic component of human nature teens are quickly drawn into the crowd.
