Addiction is a family disease and addicts, family members and friends should understand that everything will be okay, they are not alone and help i...
Guns shouldn't be taken away but they should be controlled.
My letter is about animal abuse and ways how this can be fixed. The Actions taken
Children are coming to United States because in their own country they are suffering violence; they need receive help to get a better a life and a ...
Marijuana should be legal because people need it for medical reasons.
What is the issue with student loans? #lessdebtlessworry
its about how nothing changed since way back in the day
Technology addiction is the new OD of the modern era. Is it hurting you more than you realize? This letter will address the issues of technology an...
Poverty is affecting millions of people each day.
More laws should be made
To build agreater economy and safer country we can not let Syrian refueges in.
With the amount of gun violence on the rise, it is important that we make an effort to protect our citizens.
It's time to start supporting the brave people who risk their lives for our country.
STOPPING ABORTION will be the next things on their list to do.
If the government would legalize and tax on marijuana, would the public be better off? Yes. It would.
Abortion should be kept legal and safe for every woman who needs it.
People have the right to defend themselves and we need to preserve the Second Amendment to ensure we can.
In this letter I express my concern for gun control.
Many of animals are suffering from being tested on for our needs. A stop needs to come to the abuse given to animals.
My letter is about making abortion illegal again, in order to help out those children who deserve to live.
I want you to bring back every one that left the country because that they were immigration .
People from ages 12 to 20 should not be criminalized for use of drugs
This country deserves equality for all.
This is about rights and equality.
We should start using more renewable ways to produce electricity to help reduce our carbon foot print.
Dear Next President, Immigration Policies are in dire need of reform. Will you make this a priority while in office?
As of 2015, there was a 13.5 % rate of poverty in America. Most of these people are born into this never ending cycle, or are placed harshly into i...
Gun violence is an exceedingly large problem in America and reducing accessibility to guns will help reduce violent crime and make our country safer.
Standardized testing meant to help us has hurt us instead.
College tuition is way to high for kids to join good colleges for what they want to go into.
My opinions on what Mr. Trump should tweak about his policies.
The unnecessary bases around the world.
If you have a Ferrari would you put the cheapest fuel into it? Would you just leave it sitting in your parkway? We all have an exotic vehicle and ...
LGBT people are being discriminated and bullied for who they're and it's not okay
Education in the US
Women deserve to be paid the same as men.
I wrote to the next president regarding whether or not the confederate flag should be flown
By growing up in a world surrounded by technology, we are losing ownership over our ideas.
Pushed back school start times will improve academic performance and improve student health.
we should open up our borders and let people in.
This letter is about the issues today related to immigration in America.
Around the world all of our fossil fuels are being used, and all of our trees our being cut down. However, most politicians are worrying more about...
Global warming is a serious issue and is happening right now and will only get worse over time. Global warming will and is effecting lives of human...
Working together to help save the planet.
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
Homeless shelters being able to help those in need can benefit the business and the person they are helping.
Abortion is a choice for women's rights, and I'm standing up for them.
Illegal or legal, immigrants are part of the future of America. Give us a chance to contribute to the future.
A letter on how the welfare system and the economy affects the middle class and minimizes success for everybody.
The cost of college is rising fast, what can you do to help?
Gender Equality is the greatest issue America is facing today because women aren't getting paid the minimum wage and they are doing the same jobs a...
UC acceptance rates have declined steadily for Californians and federal regulations are needed.
Illegal immigration is becoming a major problem in the U.S., and we have to stop it.
Gun control needs some changes.
If you were going to die suffering, would you end it before the pain becomes unbearable? Assisted suicide is a serious topic and needs to be talked...
My letter is stating the things that should be changed about the decisions that people make for instance the crime and the criminal justice syste...
yes, ALL LIVES MATTER; but for right now BLACK LIVES MATTER and are the ones at stake.
Our nation has dealt with a War on Drugs for almost 50 years, and their has not been any help to our American people. There needs to be a refocus o...
I will be explaining the two sides of this topic and my opinion on it.
I think that schools should re-think the school schedule.
A letter about the need for gun control in order to increase public safety.
It is imperative that the future president of the United States of America focuses on further expanding freedom and the ability to pursue happiness...
Racial Discrimination is a huge problem that faces out country. We need to see what we can do to address this problem and prevent it from getting w...
A popular, and very critical issue that is prominent in the news, revolves around police brutality against black people. However, a long standing p...
We must give amnesty to hardworking illegal immigrants and their families.
People get distracted while driving and get in a fatal car crash
Integrating students in a classroom should not be allowed in any state nor school; it slows down the accelerated learners. Students should be place...
Religious freedom laws are being passed in states across the country and are harming those of the LGBT community and otherwise.
Taxes help the government provide for the people which is why it's essential for citizens to pay taxes. However, the working class pays more tax pe...
Discusses the pros and cons of the death penalty and why it should be abolished in the United States.
State funded higher education is a costly gamble.
Over the years NASA has been extremely underfunded and change needs to happen. The understanding of our universe is a crucial pushing point not onl...
Body Cameras Should Be Worn By The Authorities
The violence directed at our police in America is ludicrous and completely unnecessary.
killing african americans is wrong!!! Dear future president, ...
High cost of tuition
This letter's about how humanity can farm outer space minerals as a benefit for our future generation.
Zika is threatening American lives, what will you do?
For struggling families to kids on the streets america needs your help to fight against homelessness. When we carry out our daily lives many of us ...
People shouldn’t be killed or treated differently because of the color of their skin.
Airport security has changed since 9/11, but more needs to be done to ensure our safety.
Gay marriage was legalized in 2015 but people who identify as LGBT+ are still subjected to discrimination and harassment every day. LGBT rights are...
about transgender bathroom policies
Those in the SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) community are being denied employment rights and we need to fix it.
Abortion should not be allowed, because it is taking a innocent life away that was never given a chance. Every baby is a gift from God.
Marijuana should be legal.
We should get less homework in school!
Compared to White people, Black people are getting the bad end of the stick when it comes to law enforcement.
America needs to prevent illegal immigration.
police brutality against black people should be stopped
The U.S. is 20 trillion is debt. You can't run a company 20 trillion in debt. So how does a government run 20 trillion if debt. The answer is not w...
Gun Control
The nation needs to help the poverty of people together and we can have an beautiful community
Government Entitlement Programs are being taken advantage of by the wrong people. It is great to have in many ways for the people who are physicall...
Veterans make up a large part of the homeless population and are not getting the help they deserve from the government and military. In honor of my...
Over-stressed and of no Significance
Gun violence has gotten out of hand and guns have been used for the wrong reasons.
This letter outlines the current crisis our nation is facing with student loan debt and how colleges are responsible for the gouging of the America...