Ryan M. California

Why everybody should have gun

Everyone should have a gun, for self defense purposes only. The only way this would happen if background checks are longer and more sophisticated.

Dear Future President,

Why should we have gun laws if bad guys will be able to get their hands on harmful weapons even with gun laws.I and many people believe that everybody should have a gun. One of the reasons why is what if there is an intruder or many other possible things. This is only possible if there are longer and more sophisticated background checks to get guns. Yes, that doesn't help bad guys who can get their hands on anything that does harm.

I and many people believe that everybody should have a gun. One of the reasons why is what if there is an intruder or many other possible things. This is only possible if there are longer and more sophisticated background checks to get guns. Yes, that doesn't help bad guys who can get their hands on anything that does harm. I believe everyone should have a gun for self defense. They should have one in their home in a certain place and easy to get to. Another place which is questionable is in you car. Now if you open fire for no reason you should be fined for 2,500 and in jail for five years or more.

To have guns in those places, there should be longer and more sophisticated background checks. The background checks should also include a test to show that that you can use a gun safely. To make the background checks longer and more secure, the person trying to buy the gun should give the person all of his contacts to ask questions.

The counterargument is what if one person opens fire in public then many other people start firing to. This is a problem because you can't do anything to stop that. Now what if only select people get to own a gun and have in their car or their house. You would get selected just like the way people get selected to do jury duty.

I believe that my reasons may possibly work. But, some of the reasons are dangerous and could lead to some tragedies, but this can lead to preventing tragedies.


Ryan M

Diablo Vista Middle School

Zhebel - English 8

Zhebel - English 8

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