Illegal immigrants have caused terrorist attacks in the United States. They are also stealing Americans jobs. All of the illegal immigrants need to be removed immediately.
Dear Next President of The United States,
Immigration can be linked to many terrorist and terrorist activity. 9-11, Orlando night club, and the Boston marathon all happened because of terrorists. Another problem is that people are coming into the country and stealing the Americans jobs. All illegal immigrants need to be removed from the United States. Once we find the illegal immigrants they should not be given american citizenship. In this letter I am going to talk more in depth about these reasons.
Some immigrants are terrorists. Since the United States does not have a system in place, we do not know which immigrants are illegal. Without a system, we do not have a way to track their past history. When illegal immigrants are terrorists and come in to the United States they can cause things like 9-11, Orlando Night Club and the Boston Marathon. We need to find a way to get all of the terrorists out of the United States and keep them out.
Illegal immigrants are sneaking in to the United States and taking the American citizens jobs. This needs to stop right away. One international immigrant comes in to the United States every 29 seconds (and still growing). If immigrants continue to enter our country, this could cause problems for Americans trying to find jobs. So one thing you need to focus on is a way to control this, before too many Americans are unemployed.
Once all of the illegal immigrants are found, they need to be removed from the United States. When they are removed they should never be given American citizenship. Entering the United States illegally is a crime. This could lead to future criminal activity. We definitely do not need to give them a free pass in to the United States. A tracking system could help to eliminate this problem.
As you can see, some immigrants have had a negative effect towards our country. How can we separate the good from the bad? Some illegal immigrants can be terrorists. They are also taking many of the American citizens jobs. And I believe, if they come into the United States illegally, they should never be given the right to become a United States citizen. Illegal immigrants have caused destruction in the United States. They have also killed people in the United States. If illegal immigrants continue to enter our country, we will need to come up with a system that eliminates this problem.
From, Clark W
Louisville, Kentucky