Katelyn W. Iowa

Death Penalty

Dear Future President,

Hello! My name is Katelyn Winnett and I am a sophomore at Coon Rapids- Bayard High School. I am writing today to address an issue that I think is major in the United States, the Death Penalty. I think that as a student we should all have a say in what happens in our country. Whether it is who becomes the president or what laws are made, I believe everyone should get their opinion.

Today I will be addressing the issue of the Death Penalty and my reasonings on why I believe it should be legal in all 50 states. If my sister was murdered by a cruel man, I wouldn’t just be okay with the man living in prison and possibly being able to get out one day. If you kill someone then I strongly believe you shall be punished by it and the best way of punishment is taking their life from them. It sounds kind of cruel, but ask yourself what they did to your loved one, friend, or even someone you don’t know. They killed someone, took their life, took away a figure in someone’s life. All penalties have a different effect, and the more severe the penalty, the more it deters. For example; If your parking meter expires, you have to pay $20 and if you park in a handicapped spot, it’s going to cost you $200 in fines. Which violation would you more than likely commit? When the cost of a crime goes up, the frequency of the crime tends to go down.

Some states today do have the death penalty and I think that is great. Most killers do some research on the state they are about to commit the crime in if it has the death penalty or not. Paul Brusseau, convicted for a string of candy store holdups, which he committed by pretending to carry a gun was, “asked what his reason was for stimulating a gun rather than carrying one, he replied that he didn’t want to go to the gas chamber.” See if more states have the death penalty then I feel the crime will start to go down, until hopefully there is no more killing.

I feel the president should really take a stand for this law and get it in all 50 states that way the number of deaths can dwindle. S/He has the power to get a movement started to where more and more people push the death penalty.

I hope you take under consideration to get every state in the United States the death penalty law. Thank you for reading, enjoy your day.