Yuri T. New York

Stronger Immigration Security

Thinking about problems of immigration that America is facing in real. Need of taking action with specific plans.

Dear Mister or madam President

      I am looking forward the election of 2016. There is no wonder that our next president of the United States will be even greater. I am a 17 years old high school student living in New York City, I moved to America from Japan with my family in 2015. I have great opportunities here and I am no struggling to grab even more chances in my future college. Today, I wanted to write about the nation's need of security strength over immigrants. Many problems come up, but what I really concern is danger of terrorism in the America.  As I saw debates of 2016, I realized that mister Donald Trump and madam Hillary Clinton have very different perspective on immigration plan. 

      My parents had told me it took our family 13 years to get green cards. Very strict security and high competing rate in order to move to New York City. As everyone knows, America is one of the most Multi - ethnic country in this world. I, as one immigrant to the United States, feel diversity of race especially in school where most of the students speak more than 2 or 3 languages fluently. Many people want to come America because we have many freedom and chance. However, as being the country where many people come to seek better opportunities, this society definitely gets both some advantages and disadvantages in many aspects. 

     I searched a little bit about immigrants coming into the United States annually. According to the Department of Homeland Security, in 2012, there were 484,072 new, legal entries into the United States, as the Migration Policy Institute indicates. However, this number does not include illegal immigrants. Statistics estimate around 11.5 million illegal immigrants reside in the U.S. today. Majority of immigrants are coming from China, Mexico, and India. While some people says both legal and Illegal immigrants have both negative and positive impacts on different parts of the economy, but I believe that is not a problem of benefit to the U.S. economy, but a problem of this country's security assurance. Strength of security against illegal immigrants is also important issue that our nation need to deal with as same as the security against terrorisms. 

      Since the 9.11, the incident influenced the entire world, America deals with this terrorism  with a great rigid strong security strength. However, in many aspect, danger of terrorism is always following this society in real. 

      I personally agree what madam Hillary Clinton said she wants to make this country where everyone can live safely and everyone is welcome to America, regardless of race and sex. However, this proposing lacks detail and specific plans to overcome the problem that this nation is actually facing. I believe mister Donald Trump took interesting position, he is really an idea man, but not an businessman on this issue. We the citizens needed realistic plan over the security of immigration in order to make this great country even greater. 

Respectfully, Yuri Takayama 

East-West School of International Studies

Government - 6th Period

EWSIS 12th Grade Government - Mr. Jacobson and Mr. Pierini

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