Abriah C.

Gun Violence

In this letter I talk About gun Violence. This is a serious matter we need to establish.

Dear Next President,

This is a serious Matter we have so many concerns about gun violence. Now here is a question. Have you ever lost a child to gun violence? Do you Know how it feels? If you do then help us stop the gun violence. We had so many of us murdered for so many reasons one of the main reasons is gun violence. I believe if we can stop gun violence we can limit the amount of killings and arrests.

Another thing; everyday 306 people are shot in America are either shot in murder,assaults,Suicides, suicide attempts. Then, quotes like “firearm access” comes into place by Injury.Research.chop.edu. 90 people have died so far due to gun violence. 31 have been murdered and 56 killed themselves.So now KQED.org says “The number of people who are injured and killed each year is just appalling” she says. Now just tell me about the world we live in today. Now I want to tell you about the we had so far.

The most amount of crimes we had was black on black crimes. Then white on black crimes came into play. Then it was black on white crimes. Then white on white crimes. Seriously we need to get it together. We need to stop gun violence and come together as one. We should not have children scared to go outside because they scared something bad is going to happen. We need to fix this now like right now.

Now think about it if we can cut the amount of gun violence we have in this country. We can save family members and close friends etc. But how can we say Black Lives Matter? If we kill one another for example there as a shooting of a young girl Tiffany Highlights, Trayvon Martin, and so many more. But we lose 30,000people a year in America due also to gun violence.If we cut the amount of gun violence that 30,000 that die will be shorter than 30,000. I hope you can take this into consideration.


Abriah Clark

Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School


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