Alex Georgia

Police Misconduct

Police violence has to stop because it is doing no good for the environment.

Dear Mr/Ms President,

Police these days are pushing it way too far by taking lots of people’s lives that don’t deserve to be killed or even hurt. The only reason that this is going on in our atmosphere is because police like to judge people because of skin color and that’s not how it should be at all. Just because someone is black or hispanic does not give anyone the freedom to just think they doing something wrong just because they are standing on a corner or something. This really has to stop because it is doing no good for our environment.

Lots of these people have kids and family that cares for them, and the police don’t think about what they do in the moment and don’t put themselves in the situation of the other person and don’t think about if they were the ones being mistreated or even killed for no reason, what would their families and kids think about it. They really have to think about what they are doing because not only are they causing problems for themselves but also for their community.

Going on this is very bad for the environment. Because it is causing lots of drama in the world and riots and also leading to a large amount of protest which lead to bad things. This world should be peaceful and none of this should be happening and the police really have to put a stop to it because they are the ones that got us in this mess and they have to fix what they’ve started.

So Mr or Ms president please try and do what you can to fix all these problems that we are having to deal with today.


Alex B.