Devin .B Georgia

To help the immigrants

How to solve immigration.

Dear Next President,

Immigration is a huge problem in the world, and can be solved with your power here in the U.S. but the question is, are you willing to take some time and help with the problem. Immigrants have a lot of trouble surviving in the U.S. because the U.S. makes it hard for them and I’m here to show you what those problems are. The first problem is that they have lots of trouble finding a good job or even any job. Second is that they have to run away from the cops when they see or hear them so they don’t get arrested and cops are in every state and around the world. Third is that it’s hard to become a citizen or get and sign the papers to become a citizen and if a cop catches an immigrant they arrest them. You can solve all these problems if you tell the immigrants to go to a place and get the papers to become a citizen and not arrest them when they get caught by a police man but bring them to a place to get papers to become a citizen and make it easier to get a job even though they are not a citizen so they can at least buy food. If you’re willing to help with the problems that would be great and you can change the world with those steps.          

