Ellen S. Kentucky

Marriage Equality

I am writing to you to discuss the importance of marriage equality. Earlier this year, the Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriages have to be recognized as legal in the United States. However, there is still a lot of talk about writing new laws against same sex marriages. As President you have the power to influence people’s minds, and I strongly suggest that you not only uphold the court’s decision but also promote it.

Dear Future President,

I am writing to you to discuss the importance of marriage equality. Earlier this year, the Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriages have to be recognized as legal in the United States. However, there is still a lot of talk about writing new laws against same sex marriages. As President you have the power to influence people’s minds, and I strongly suggest that you not only uphold the court’s decision but also promote it.

Before the Supreme Court made the ruling, only heterosexual married couples were allowed to visit each other in the hospital during illnesses. If a couple is not married, hospitals cannot legally allow same sex partners to receive medical information about their “spouse” without a blood relative present. Some same sex couples had been together for twenty or more years, but because they didn’t have the legal right to be married, they weren’t allowed to see each other in this situation. How heartbreaking it would be to not be with the love of your life during such a terrible time. The court’s decision made this problem go away. Legalizing gay marriage allowed gay couples hospital visitation rights and respects the validity of their marriage by letting them make medical decisions on behalf of their spouses.

Secondly, before the Supreme Court made the ruling, only married couples could adopt children. Since same sex couples could not marry, many times they were not considered for adoption in a lot of places. There are only so many couples that want and have the privilege to adopt kids, yet there are way more orphans to get adopted. Now that they have this ruling same sex couples can get married and so now they can adopt children so more children can have a better life in a nice home with a kind family.

Lastly, before the Supreme Court ruling, same sex couples faced a lot of discrimination. Even though this was not permitted under the law, it still happened and is still happening today. If same sex couples were not allowed to marry like everyone else, it would hold them out as different from everyone else and encourage further discrimination. If the law treats them different than heterosexual citizens, then people will treat them different.

I hope you will think about my arguments and agree with me about marriage equality. I feel that if you are gay or straight you should be treated the same and be able to love anyone you want. I'm so glad Supreme Court made this ruling, it should not go back to the was it used to be. I feel it has changed so many lives.


Ellen Stinnett


Pacesetters Block 1 Social Studies

Pacesetters Block 1 Social Studies

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