How to End Poverty?
Poverty is a huge deal globally, so what can we do?
Dear Next President,
Hi my name is Mahaley and I want to write to you about ways we can reduce poverty. Poverty is a huge deal in the United States. People all over the world experience poverty and it is not a pleasant situation. My feeling towards poverty are sorrow, weakening, and a catastrophe. Poverty is a way of living in pain and tears throughout your everyday life and it is very hard to come out of even when you try your hardest everyday.
Research shows that the rise in poverty rates has rose over the years, almost half of the world’s population, which would be about 3 million people live on less than $2. 50 a day. After major things happen to non wealthy countries, it makes everything even more terrible.There are many things that cause poverty, but what can end it?
One way that poverty is caused is no education. Education is very scarce in the more urban areas. People in urban areas don’t have the money to afford education, don’t have the recourses to even build a school, or just simply not going. One way to get and earn the money for your families is to go to work and get payed. Without the education that you need you can’t get money which causes poverty. One way that we could provide the things that people need, is to bring it to them.
I feel like poverty could be reduced very quickly. If we people could give the support they need, I feel that people would want to get back up on their feet and get out of poverty.
Mr President, what will you do to help fix the problem of poverty. Are you going to let these people suffer? Everyone has to be in this together. One person can make a slight change, but it takes a lot of people to make a huge change. Can we or you put a stop to poverty.
Cited work
"How to Prevent and Solve Poverty." By Nnamdi. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2016
"The Blog." The Borgen Project RSS2. N.p., 08 Feb. 2016. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
"Two Theories of Poverty." Demos. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
"The Blog." The Borgen Project RSS2. N.p., 08 Feb. 2016. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.
"The Blog." The Borgen Project RSS2. N.p., 08 Feb. 2016. Web. 26 Oct. 2016.