A student states the issues that are brewing between the U.S. and China and how the U.S should start working more closely and often with China.
This letter is about how people treat forests lightly and just chop them down.
The plight of mental illness is too often ignored. We need to take action to help those in need.
Our article is written about clean drinking water around the world.
Police Brutality is a growing issue in America and something needs to happen about it.
Guns have harmed many children in the U.S. from and something needs to be done.
The lack of access to water and proper sanitation endangers the lives of many African communities.
The gender wage gap in America is a horrible thing, and should be fixed.
In this letter I tell the president that global warming (climate change) is our biggest threat and that he must do something
In this letter, I tell the presidents that abusive child labor should come to an end in foreign countries before more families are hurt.
In this letter I tell the president to try and confront Russia.
In this letter I tell the President that security can be more advanced.
We think that the president and the US government should do anything they can to destroy ISIS.
Immigration is a major problem in America, and we need to fix it.
ISIS is causing much trouble through out the world and we need to do something about it.
Animals are intelligent but can't take care of themselves so we have to help.
Police brutality needs to be solved we will tell you why and how to fix this issue.
Think the minimum wage needs to be raised? I don't think you've read my letter.
There has been a lot of threats in the US and we need to do something.
In the US drug abuse is a major problem among juveniles. Drug abuse effects unemployment, crime, and the amount of deaths in the US negatively. We ...
Cyberbullying affects most of the country today and we need something done about it.
Our letter is about how illegal Immigrants should be stopped from coming into the U.S.
Child abuse is a growing problem in the U.S.A, that is leaving many people mentally and physically ill. We need to make facilities to help families...
The United States is having too many terrorist attacks, and we need to stop them.
This is a letter about why and how we should combat climate changes. gases or pollution can kill the Earth. So we need to take care.
The world is populating and getting hot from climate change, if we advance space travel technology we wont have to worry about these problems.
According to PBS "There were 372 mass shootings in the U.S, in 2015 Killing, 475 and wounding 1870."
A NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been taking a knee during the National Anthem due to what he claims unfair laws because of skin color.
Child abuse is a terrible issue world wide that needs to be addressed.
Global warming is changing our world in many ways and affecting our lives.
The depletion of the ozone layer, air pollution, and e-waste are huge problems for the next president.
Sexism is about not having equal treatment between men and women.
I do not think immigration should be encouraged, but we should allows immigrants into our country.
Why and how we should end poverty.
Elephant poaching and Ivory Trade is becoming a big problem that must be stopped or elephants will become a victim of extinction.
ISIS is a terrorist group that must be stopped. In this letter we explain the biggest issues with them and what you, as the next president, should ...
Water Pollution is damaging our oceans,lakes, ponds, streams and rivers.
Global warming is a big issue now a days. This Article will explain how and why it effects us today.
Why should we keep guns? This is why.
The rich aren't paying there taxes putting large amounts of stress for the lower 99% and they have to much influence in the government making it ve...
Police brutality can be stopped with the help of our next president.
Gun violence is a very serious problem that should be dealt with.
Minimum Wage must be raised.
Mitigation is the best way to deal with climate change.
Social media causes children and adults to be stalked and lead into violence.
This is about how there is hunger in America and we most need to stop hunger in America.
My letter is about illegal immigration and how we should stop it.
The practices that factory farms are currently engaging in are extremely inhumane, and this treatment needs to improve in order for factory farming...
Air pollution is a big problem in the United States and its killing millions of people.
Our article is about Anti-semitism.
Homelessness is affecting a lot of families in the U.S and the president needs to do something about it.