Ellie L. Wisconsin

Abortion Levels have Gotten out of Hand.

Pro Life letter! About why abortion is used too often, and is wrong.

Dear Future President,

Abortion is a way to end a pregnancy early, but is it really a good thing to do? My first set of information comes from AbortionNo.org. According to the writer, Admin, "one abortion happens every 24 seconds." That adds up to 155 per hour, leading up to approximately 3,720 per day, and finally about 1,357,800 per year in the world. There are more babies being aborted per year than there are people populating the state of New Hampshire. My next set of information comes from AbortionNo.org. According to the site, "Less than 1% of all abortions are to save the life of a mother." That is a very small fraction of babies lost to save another life. The site also stated that, "Abortion is more dangerous than childbirth." More lives are affected or lost by abortion than actually giving birth to a child. My final set of information comes from Studentsforlife.org. The writer, Allan Gultmacher Institute, wrote "1 in 4 (22%) or pregnancy's get aborted." 22% that's a high percentage. Just think if 22% of the US population died, our population would go from approximately 322,762,018 to 251,754,374. They also wrote, "50% of women seeking an abortion had also had one previously." That's half of the women wanting an abortion had had one earlier with another child before this child was conceived. Lastly they wrote, "Approximately 1/3 of American women have had an abortion by age 45." That's a large number to take in. That means that 1/3 of our female population has aborted the same amount of babies as themselves or more. These facts show that abortion levels are getting out of hand and something needs to happen to change that.


Ellie L


Abortion Facts. "Fact #8: Less than 1% of all abortions are performed to save the life of the mother." AbortionFacts.com, Abortion Facts, Accessed on 11/8/16, http://www.abortionfacts.com/ .

Abortion Facts. "Fact #11: Abortion is more dangerous than childbirth." AbortionFacts.com, Abortion Facts, Accessed on 11/8/16, http://www.abortionfacts.com/ .

Admin. 10 Reasons why Abortion is Wrong. AbortionNo.org, Abortion No, Accessed on 11/8/16, http://www.abortionno.org/10-reasons-why-abortion-is-wrong/ .

Alan Guttmacher Institute. "Abortion Facts." Studentsforlife.org, Students for Life, accessed on 11/8/16, http://studentsforlife.org/prolifefacts/abortion-facts/ .