Why we shouldn't have so much homework.
Homework stresses people out.
The way we are feeding our students in school is detrimental to their health and therefore affects the ability to learn and be prosperous. This is ...
The immigration problems in America are unfair, help make a change to make the world a better place.
A letter to that talks about racial discrimination and my opinion about it.
The next president should stop welcoming the Syrian refugees for the sake of the safety of American citizens.
How we can get rid of our debt.
College tuition is outrageously high and should be lowered.
Homework has been a trouble for us for many years and we spend too much doing it instead of going outside and doing something with our life. Atleas...
In this document I will discuss why I think that homework should either be removed completely or just optional.
Do you get enough sleep?
Homework should be banned because it can have extremely negative effects for students, it is unclear whether it is actually helpful, and it takes t...
What good is our education if we can't even concentrate during it?
Students are not getting at least 8 hours of sleep because of too much homework.
There is way too much homework given to students in middle school through high school. This is causing problems for some people.
Creativity should be used for the mending of problems both national and international.
When you enter office, remember to stay humble, stay assertive, and do not became the power hungry monster the citizens fear.
There is a nation-wide problem with homework.
What are the misconceptions made about bisexuals and how do people feel about them? Is there anything we can do about this?
Homework is a normal, everyday thing for most students, but is it healthy?
Students are hard workers and tend to work to push themselves beyond their limits. Sometimes going past their limit proves to be worse for a studen...
Racial inequality and police brutality is something the next president should really be concerned with.
I strongly believe that the future of this country will be significantly impacted by the way our government handles this national crisis and I tru...
The average American class size is growing every year as thousands of teachers are laid off. These classes need to shrink and the teacher populatio...
This letter discusses the importance of keeping our citizens safe from this new threat to the world known as ISIS.
Terrorism has affected the United States and we have to work together towards ending it.
Immigration has been a very common problem, well I think that the future president should fix that problem. But with NO damage.
homework should stay at school and not come home.
As a high school student who comes from hard-working, undocumented people, I am concerned about the solutions that 2016 candidates running for Pre...
The expectations placed on America's teenagers are greater than ever before. Stress levels among American adolescents is at an epidemic level. Can...
Education is a key to success, and teachers make this possible, but a step towards improving the overall education in our nation is by having highe...
I want to be able to have the future President of America acknowledge this letter to improve our education
The next president should be concerned with police brutality and terrorism.
To stop the spread of ISIS cannot be done with brute force alone.
Lots of the U.S. students have to deal with lots of homework. They also gets stressed very easy just because they want to do good in school.
My proposition as to why immigrants should receive legal documents.
This letter helps to share my opinion on the way the immigrant student's education should be handled. It helps to voice my concerns on why low-inco...
Homework can definitely lead to high stress levels and some minor/chronic back pain. ...
We need to end the student loan debt crisis.
We all know that a solution to a big problem cannot be realistically executed in a matter of hours, that is why I am asking you to actually look in...
We need to stop an ongoing problem in our society; abortion.
Homework is always stressing kids out and i want to put a stop to it.
Schools should switch their starting hour from an early start like 7:00 A.M. to a later start like 10:00 A.M., so that students can have more sleep...
Homework can help a student academically, but the negative effects of it can affect kids in a bad way.
Issues the next president should be concerned about.
56% of stress comes from homework.