The paragraph is about the important things the United States needs.
Police Violence, Punishment, Ideas, Better Relations
Immigration has been a very common problem, well I think that the future president should fix that problem. But with NO damage.
When you enter office, remember to stay humble, stay assertive, and do not became the power hungry monster the citizens fear.
The immigration problems in America are unfair, help make a change to make the world a better place.
What are the misconceptions made about bisexuals and how do people feel about them? Is there anything we can do about this?
How we can get rid of our debt.
All lives matter
Cops should not kill people holding a weapon.
Police officers only have to have a high school diploma to get a gun and a badge. Is that really safe? The media says it is not, and studies have s...
Many americans have been wounded and killed due to police brutality, they do not have an actual excuse to why they had right to do this action
Gun laws should be more restricted and the police should use gun alternatives.
America needs to stop with people going against police because the media portrays them as a bunch of racist idiots who care about nothing except th...
This letter discusses the importance of keeping our citizens safe from this new threat to the world known as ISIS.
Cops why they are hated on and why they shouldn't be
Body cameras on police will allow the officers to show that they are taking the proper steps when conflict is happening with a civilian.
Body Cameras Should Be Worn By The Authorities
People’s houses are getting robbed everyday, but the police are not taking enough action. They just file a report and that’s it, in my opinion they...
Policemen who abuse their power and how we can stop it.
Its a letter
The police force designed to protect and serve has been corrupted and need the guidance of our Future President
This year, there have been many concerns about police using excessive force with guns. I will be addressing the problems we face today as well as h...
How can you improve a policemen life
Terrorism has affected the United States and we have to work together towards ending it.
To stop the spread of ISIS cannot be done with brute force alone.
We need to stop an ongoing problem in our society; abortion.
Creativity should be used for the mending of problems both national and international.
The next president should be concerned with police brutality and terrorism.
Police are the good guys not the bad
Police brutality is not being taken serious, it is just used as a game that the future President is playing in and is allowing.
My proposition as to why immigrants should receive legal documents.
We all know that a solution to a big problem cannot be realistically executed in a matter of hours, that is why I am asking you to actually look in...
Racial inequality and police brutality is something the next president should really be concerned with.
This issue is on racism. Racism is a big issue here in the U.S. and it needs to be resolved. This video give a lot of information on the issue that...
The purpose of the police is to keep citizens safe, but many police officers are harming innocent families because of racial bias.
A letter to that talks about racial discrimination and my opinion about it.
Issues the next president should be concerned about.
The next president should stop welcoming the Syrian refugees for the sake of the safety of American citizens.
People have the right to defend themselves and we need to preserve the Second Amendment to ensure we can.
Bad Cops to Good Cops
As a high school student who comes from hard-working, undocumented people, I am concerned about the solutions that 2016 candidates running for Pre...