Freedom of religion is no longer free in this country.
Need gun control law.
We need to raise the minimum wage and have prices go down.
Today in America we are to focused about Social Media
My letter is about how people are wasting food because it looks funny.
The Black Lives Matter protest is a very important issue.
Don't take our guns away
America needs guns for protection.
Gun control needs to be solved.
American needs to control their actions.
Cause and Effect. Ending poverty will play a huge part in improving our relationships with any country.
war is deadly
America needs to stop treating animals so badly make it stop.
Clowns are crazy
Terrorism is a problem and it needs to be stopped
Abortion is messing our nation up.
This article is to bring awareness for adopting children in foster care.
this paragraph is about eminent domane and why I think its wrong
To the Future President: Abortion is against the Bible.
We need to stop bullying in America now.
This is a article about gun control and how it should not be enforced.
Abortion is murder
Teens need a clean, pure young adulthood.
The killing of many officers and the respect for them is a problem that needs to be solved.
ISIS is a dangerous threat
War is bad
Is abortion bad.
Gun control is a problem
ISIS is a problem
Adultery and rape needs to stop
LGBTQ is wrong
I thought slavery was forbidden, was I lied to or did America fail?
Animal abuse must be stopped
My letter is about people over emphasizing animal cruelty.
the government need to stop stealing farmers land.
Dog fighting is wrong
The social impact of the transgender movement.
Gun laws are important so we should change them.
Animals are living things and should be treated with respect.
ISIS should not get nuclear weapons. This is why.
clowns are not funny