Ethan C. California

Should Abortion be legalized?

If a future president were to make abortion illegal than these people that could have done it are probably bringing the baby in a really tough world where they can't even provide or take care of their child and it's making life difficult for the baby and the parents.


Abortion itself sounds horrible It is terminating of a human pregnancy. This happens all the time and women aged from 20-24 have the highest abortion rate at 30 per 1,000 a lot people think it is not right for this to happen. I know that people think that it's not our choice to choose what happens and to let nature take itโ€™s course I understand that but I do not think that it is wrong, why I think this is because that anyone should have the choice to have a abortion.

There are pro life and pro choice, pro life means that they are against abortions and think it's absolutely horrible pro choice is that anyone should have the choice to have it done no matter what. If you think about why people get them it's probably for a good reason because they weren't parent material, they have always been tight on money, etc. If a future president were to make abortion illegal than these people that could have done it are probably bringing the baby in a really tough world where they can't even provide or take care of their child and it's making life difficult for them and the child. I know some running candidates were talking about this topic and most of them were for pro life and wanted to legalize it and I one of them has a good chance of becoming the president and want to legalize it, if so than this would make a lot of people just resort to coat hanger abortions and its better to get it clean and safe than risky and dangerous.

What I think about this is that I think women consider themselves as a "silent murdered" if they were to get one and its absolutely legal right now but I think its more of the guilt that they had a abortion and it was a living thing. Of course if I were to be put in a situation like this I would feel uncomfortable too but it shouldn't be taken the wrong way and think like that.

So Mr/Ms President I will ask you if you were to please not make people to be forced to have a child that they do not think would have a future with them if they were born.