Animal Abuse
So many animals in this world get abused. We are supposed to get animals for companionship, not to abuse, hurt, or kill. Animals haven't done anything to us, so why should we hurt them. They just want love and for us to take care of them. We need to end the suffering of all animals, and it starts with you!
Dear Future President,
What are you going to do about all this animal abuse in this world? Some people make dogs fight until either death or they are badly hurt.Another thing some people do is make puppy mills and they are shown no care or love.Some people slaughter horses for food,while others hoard animals.None of these animals are getting the care and love they need.I think we should make a law saying you can only own a certain amount of animals and you have to get background checks on people who buy dogs. No kidding!
Dog fighting is an example of animal abuse because people force dogs to fight and make them aggressive which ends up in dogs being hurt and/or killed.In the article it says,”though dog fighting is a felony in all 50 states, it continues to occur in every part of the country and in every type of community. Fights can happen in a variety of locations ranging from back alleys to carefully-staged enterprises. Fights typically take place in a 14-20 square-foot pit designed to contain the animals. Fights can last just a few minutes or several hours, and both animals may suffer injuries including puncture wounds, lacerations, blood loss, crushing injuries and broken bones Although fights are not usually to the death, many dogs succumb to their injuries later, and losing dogs are often discarded, killed or brutally executed as part of the “sport.” This is something we need to be on because so many people are getting away with making dogs fight.
Puppy mills is another example of dog abuse because the dogs face neglect and will be killed if they can’t fill a certain responsibility.Imagine if just because you couldn’t reproduce,people would kill you.In the article it says, “In a puppy mill, dogs are often kept in cages with wire flooring that injures their paws and legs—and it is not unusual for cages to be stacked in columns. When female breeding dogs reach a point of physical depletion and can no longer reproduce, they are often killed.”This is another thing we need to address because animals don’t deserve to go through that pain.They didn’t do anything to us,it makes no sense why people would do that to them.
Horse slaughter is also a form of animal abuse because people kill horses for human consumption and I think that is very wrong. Animals have feelings too, and I think they deserve the right to be safe. In the article it states,’’Every year, approximately 150,000 American horses are trucked over our borders to be slaughtered for human consumption. Until this practice is banned and Congress passes a law against slaughter here in the U.S., no horse is safe. “This is also a big issue need to address on because we could lose all our horses eventually.This should not be happening because going around killing horses isn’t right.
Animal hoarding is another-form of animal abuse because usually people who hoard animals are emotionally unstable and make themselves believe that they are ok and so are their animals.”The individual insists that all of their animals are happy and healthy—even when there are clear signs of distress and illness.”We need to stop this because it isn’t good for the animals getting hoarded or for the emotionally unstable.
I think we should make a law saying you can only own a certain amount of animals and you have to get background checks on people who buy dogs.This is also a big issue because it reflects on us as America.As in when people want to visit and they may love animals and see all this negativity,less people might come.Plus do you really think animals deserve this?Imagine if everything we did to animals they did to us.Hopefully America will change and by this step stopping animal abuse,America can start to create peace slowly.