Joey C. Minnesota

College Costs

The cost of college is an issue that needs to be solved and solved fast.

Dear Mr./Ms. President,

If you had to describe college in one word, what would that word be? My word would be expensive. College nowadays can cost as much as $65,000 per year and to me that is just unacceptable. I am aware of the scholarships that you can apply for but that is not my main focus. It seems unreasonable to have college cost be that much because some people can’t afford that. It is not fair to restrict students an education because of cost.

I have a few ideas about how to lessen the stress on students. My first idea is to make tuition the same cost regardless of out-of-state versus in state. In some cases, these differences in tuition can be the difference between college and no college. My second idea is to give more financial help. I am aware of the problem with giving more financial help but I think it is unfair to deny a student an education because of cost. That is my biggest issue with college expenses. Imagine if a student was an absolute genius but didn’t have enough money to attend college. Scholarships are available but they are still going to have expenses that they cannot afford.

These are just some ideas I had about college and its costs and I thank you for your attention. As my closing remark I would just like to say, I am okay with college as it is now, costs and everything, but I am more worried about the future. I think in the future as costs per year increases, college will be way too expensive and suggest that you look into ways of lowering college costs.


Joey Corbett

Benilde-St. Margaret's School

Non-Fiction Period 8

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